𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲

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"Did you have to tick Buckbeak off, you git?" Your chin was propped up in your palms, glancing down at Draco's bandaged arm in his position slouched against the headboard of one of the beds in the hospital wing

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"Did you have to tick Buckbeak off, you git?" Your chin was propped up in your palms, glancing down at Draco's bandaged arm in his position slouched against the headboard of one of the beds in the hospital wing.

"I didn't tick the thing off, it's a foul, crude creature, they should get rid of it as soon as possible." Draco grumbled, fumbling with the sling his injured arm was resting in, his face grimacing in pain for a brief second before twisting back to his usual scowl.

He always did that. Whenever he smiled, laughed, cried and so go on, his face would stay stuck in that emotion for only about 20 seconds before shifting back to the expression he always wore. The only expression his father ever accepted to be displayed, some ridiculous Malfoy trait, Draco claimed.

"Merlin, don't pull the 'my father will hear about this' right now. You did well at cornering Buckbeak until you called the thing an ugly brute, even after he bowed to you." You tugged Draco's hand off his arm and placed yours on the injured limb instead.

"Don't fret, I'll take care of you until you can use your arm again."

"Zip it."

"Can you pass me the ink?" 

"With what bloody hand? I have my hand full [F/N]."

Huffing you leaned over the table and delicately picked up the open ink pot, glancing down at Draco's empty notebook, mentally hitting yourself for not taking note of the fact your boyfriend couldn't even write.

"Hand your notebook to me, Draco." 

Draco looked up from his potions book and stared at you ridiculously before caving in and picking up his notebook with his free hand, placing it in front of you and crossing his right leg over his left.

"What are you scheming?"

"Merlin Draco, I'm scheming nothing, you can't write with that arm so unless you want detention with Snape for not turning in your potions essay, be my guest."

"I know you, [F/N], what do you want so desperately in return?" A scowl was plastered onto Draco's face, mostly directed at your quill that you were already using in his notebook, but also partially at you.

"I wasn't going to demand anything per say, but you can always treat me to some butterbeer." You laughed at the way Draco scowl flipped into a grimace in disgust.

"I can't believe you even drink that stuff, it's horrendous." 

"Only horrendous for the posh, bratty rich blokes." You joked, scribbling down another sentence in Draco's notebook.

"Not my responsibility my father raised me with better standards than the likes of you." 

"Your father raised nothing, bloody hell sit down." 


After turning in both your and Draco's essay to Snape, you leaned back against your chair in the Potions classroom, glaring half-heartily at a duo of first years that were muttering to each other, judging from the way the name 'Malfoy' got dragged into the conversation, you immediately assumed it had something to do with his essay.

Before you could even open your mouth to subdue their disrespectful comments, Draco already took advantage of the fact that you were incredibly slow in the morning classes.

"Is there a problem? Why don't you two shut your mouth? Small, foolish meatbag of a wizard.." The only one who was capable of hearing the last part of Draco's sentence was you, the out of character insult from the blonde, kicking his shin for good measure, just so he knew he has a reputation to uphold.

"Draco don't be so offended dear, what else can you expect from half-bloods? Of course they wouldn't believe real wizards like us would take the initiative to turn in essays, even if we're injured." You snarked back at the first years, resting your elbow on Draco's shoulder.

"You're not wrong there [F/N], why would I even expect any good from those filthy blood traitors."

The second one of the first years opened his mouth to shoot an insult right back at you and Draco, Snape grabbed both their napes in a tight grip and roughly directed their heads back to their notebooks, scoffing at the grunts of pain that escaped the two.

"You're lucky he didn't take any points from them [F/N], wouldn't do Ravenclaw very well would it now?"

"Sod off Draco."

"Will you finally get dressed in the morning on your own now?" You swung your legs off your bed you were sitting on, standing up and walking closer to Draco who just entered the dorm room the two of you shared.

After a week or two, Draco finally got the green light from Pomfrey to remove the bandages and sling from his arm, along with a lot of healing potions and replenishers, it shaved at least two weeks off from the regular time it would take to heal Draco's arm injuries.

"Don't pretend that you didn't enjoy dressing me in my robes, every morning you woke me up you were bouncing on your heels [F/N]."

"Zip it Malfoy."

And for another rare moment, Draco laughed. You couldn't ever get enough of that sound, honestly.

Unfortunately the blonde quickly caught himself and quieted down, coughing awkwardly as he stopped his laughter. 

You swung your arm around Draco's shoulder and tugged him closer to your body, grinning at the way he bit back an insults at your actions, barking out a laugh when Draco sagged into your hold in defeat.

"Anyway, you still owe me butterbeer, we're going to Hogsmeade." 


requested by mojojojohay, hope ya like it!

wasn't too sure what to do w the plot so it came out a bit shorter

also draco is a pain to write holy shithahd, like i kin the dude but jesus christ

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