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3rd person POV.
Location: Honnouji Academy

Currently at the Academy things have gone from bad to worse to unthinkable the covers begin descending upon the students and they're families things just kept getting worse and worse and what's worst of all Ryuko has been revealed to be Ragyo's second born daughter Y/n was powered down and now was nothing more than just a human Y/n got up and started moving towards Ryuko his body battered and beaten he started limping his way over to the woman he loved Ryuko cut off her now mother's hand soon enough her life fiber infused heart went back into her chest showing off her regenerative abilities Ryuko kicked her mother away to get some space she started having a panic attack breathing heavily her brain going into overdrive but soon enough she felt arms wrapped around her body it was none other than Y/n Winchester her boyfriend.

Y/n: Ryuko I need you to listen to me and I need you to listen as best as you can.

Y/n immediately grabbed her by her cheeks and forced his lips on to hers her eyes started metaphorically bugging out of her head but eventually she sank into it her mind calming down and eventually they separated for air.

Y/n: Ryuko don't forget what I told you I love you I love you with all my heart and I will not allow you to doubt yourself just because of something someone else told you you know who you are you know what you fight for and you have people who love you and just for that you are more human than I'll ever be so don't you dare ever question that ever again I don't care who your mother or father was You Know Who You Are and I want you to never ever question that again, do you hear me?!?!

Ryuko: yeah I hear you loud and clear!!!

Y/n: good because shit has hit the fan I am powered down and I'm no more useful then a baby in a trench coat so I'm going to need you to fight for the both of us because I can't fight not like this.

Ryuko: I understand!

Ryuko now full of renewed spirit and Hope she transformed her Kamui into it's aerial configuration and started saving students from being eaten by the covers one after another she even helped her best friend Mako from being eaten by the covers but soon enough things just kept getting worse and worse so as a last resort Satsuki pulled out a detonator and pressed the red button causing the entire Arena to explode Ryuko and Satsuki were both knocked out by the blast everyone used this opportunity to get away Y/n barely conscious and now bleeding used the opportunity To Grab Ryuko and even Satsuki he dragged them both out of the ruined Arena under the smoke screen he put them both in baby he then drove down the road but soon enough he noticed the road was blocked off by covers so he quickly turned into an alley and within a few minutes Satsuki began to regain consciousness she was sitting in the passenger seat and within a few seconds she was able to take in where she was and what was happening.

Y/n: well looky here little Miss Purity back the land of the living it's good to see you again.

Satsuki: it's always good to see you again Y/n where are we?

Y/n: Hono town in the no star slums I tried to drive us out but the roads are blocked off there's no way in or out of the city we are royally screwed.

Satsuki: can't you just fly us out?

Y/n: no thanks to that warding I'm powered down for now basically I'm a baby in a trench coat.

Satsuki noticed that Y/n was bleeding.

Satsuki: Y/n you're bleeding!

Y/n: Ah it's fine it'll come out seltzer water and lemon for blood what I'm worried about is getting you two out of here there's no way I can get out so I have a plan.

Wings Of Light And Fibers Of Life (Male Seraph Nephilim reader X Kill La Kill)Where stories live. Discover now