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Marinette walked through the entrance of the school as her phone went off. It was a text from Jon.

-Sorry I can't make it to tryouts Grandma is sick and my dad is on a mission up in space and won't be back for a week, I have to look out for her until my mom can get back. Good luck, text me if you need me!

"Great, so Jon can't help me talk to Damian from the sidelines!" Marinette said freaking out a little.

"You'll do great Marinette, Robin said that you're learning very fast, you can totally impress Damian!" Tikki said from Marinette's purse. She walked into the school and got some gear and saw four other people that were going to try out with her.

They were partnered up and Marinette looked around sighing.

"Seems like you're looking for someone," the person across from her said following her head.

"Yeah, I thought Damian was going to be here," Marinette said lowing her head and Damian pulled up his mask.

"Maybe you should get glasses like Jon, might help you see what's right in front of you, go on sword up," Damian said flicking his mask back down. "Go on, you're supposed to try to touch me Marinette," Damian added and Marinette laughed at his frustration.

She put her sword up and did a good job blocking but no so much on the attacking part. She used some of the maneuvers that Robin taught her. Damian eyed the way that she moved using certain tactics that were only taught to League members and the ones that he taught to... she couldn't be.

"Excuse me but practice has already started," D'Argentcourt said looking down at someone dressed in red.

They were told to fence with Damian who was the best in the class. They fought and they tied two times. The machines were removed and the fight went everywhere. It was like watching two trained professionals. It was like watching two Robins.

Marinette followed thinking the person in red could have been Robin. The round had ended but Marinette couldn't tell who touched first.

"Who did it, who touched first?" D'Argentcourt asked and Damian and the other looked curious too.

"Damian?" Marinette said unsure of herself. The other marched out in anger and Damian picked up their sword and ran after them.

Kagami was upset, all she wanted to do was beat Damian, if she beat Damian then her mother would get off of her tail about rejoining the League of Assassins.

"I'm sorry mother but I could not beat him, you can tell Talia that I will be back for training in twenty-four hours," Kagami said into her phone. Damian had run out of the building and saw Kagami.

"Kagami? Even after all these years, you still can't resist a challenge, I bet you're telling mother where I am right now," Damian said throwing Kagami's sword and she picked it up before a black butterfly flew into it akumatizing her.

Marinette ran outside and saw Damian standing in front of a newly akumatized Kagami.

"I am Riposte and Damian, you will have a rematch with me so I may be free from my mother!" Riposte yelled and Damian's eyes widened as he dodged her first attack and she was kicked from the side by another opponent.

"Did I do good?" Chat said pulling Damian behind him. "You don't have to hurt others to get freedom and what does Mr. Grumpy here have to do with your freedom?" Chat asked and she got back up charging at him again. "On second thought, we probably shouldn't stick around too long," Chat added grabbing Damian and launching into the air.


Riposte followed the two boys were ever they went and it was getting a little ridiculous. Ladybug dropped in with her phone to her ear.

"Yes it's an emergency! It's your friend who's in trouble!" Ladybug hung up the phone and grabbed Damian. "Keep her occupied," Ladybug said to Chat as she pulled Damian away to find a good hiding place.

"You are not allowed to call it quits! Damian is mine!" Riposte yelled trying to run after them but was blocked by Chat's baton.

"We're not quite done here yet," Chat said winking at her before pulling his baton back and swinging it like a bat hitting her square in the chest knocking her back.

"You are going to regret that," Riposte said going to attack him.


Ladybug walked over to a coffin for mummies and asked Damian to get inside.

"I don't need to hide from her, she won't really hurt me," Damian said refusing to get into the coffin. Chat went flying across the room after being hit by Riposte.

"Thank you for leading me to them," Riposte said smirking and standing on Chat's chest. Ladybug pushed Damian behind her and swung her yoyo making a shield.

"Where are you Superboy?" Ladybug asked herself and two seconds later, there was a huge boom and the caped boy stood behind Riposte and tapped on her shoulder.

"Wha..." Riposte was cut off with a blow to her chin that made her go flying into the air.

"This is what I get for taking a day off huh?" Superboy asked helping Chat up.

"Oh please, can we just capture her akuma and get this over with?" Ladybug asked and the others nodded. Ladybug used her lucky charm and got a radiator.

Superboy grabbed it and charged at Riposte and trying to defend herself, she got her sword hand stuck in the radiator and Superboy kicked her arm and it snapped releasing the akuma. She was transformed back to normal.


Kagami waited outside of the Louvre for her car.

"You still have a close relationship with your mother huh?" Damian asked putting a hand on Kagami's shoulder.

"At least I can still talk to mine, I'm trying to leave the League while I still have a chance like you did," Kagami said looking up at Damian disappointed in herself.

"Good, I don't have to be a soldier and you don't have to either," Damian said trying to be nice to her.

"At least our parents aren't trying to force us together like when we were younger," Kagami pointed out bringing up their arranged marriage from when they were younger.

"I was trying to have a nice moment, way to ruin it," Damian said rolling his eyes and Kagami got into her car laughing at him.

Marinette hid behind a statue and Jon was listening for her.

"So, what did they say?" Marinette asked pulling on Jon's flannel that he was forced to wear back in Kansas.

"He'll tell you himself when he's ready," Jon said winking at his cousin before running over to Damian jumping on his back making his friend fall over in shock.

"KENT!" Damian yelled.

"He'll tell me when he's ready, does that mean... he likes me?" Marinette asked herself smiling. "He likes me!" 

Miraculous Rewritten Season 2Where stories live. Discover now