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Marinette stepped through the doors of the classroom and saw Jon and Adrien laughing at something on Jon's phone huddled in the back of the room before class. Jon had been getting up early to spend time with his boyfriend before school every day.

"Hey Marinette!" Adrien waved from across the classroom.

The bell rang and Adrien walked up to the front of the room and a call from Lila came in. Jon shrunk down in the back of the classroom so he wasn't seen easily, Adrien growled and Marinette rolled her eyes. Lila started spewing some nonsense that she was going to help pollution for heroes' day.

Nino was going to play the elderly songs, Adrien was going to teach fencing to his Chinese class and Chinese to his fencing class, Alya was going to build ramps for disabled people and Marinette felt stuck. She had nothing but a box of macrons.

"I'm going to have a school-wide tasting this afternoon in the park," Marinette said trying to make herself sound heroic and Jon just slammed his head into the table making Miss. Bustier call on him.

"My father is coming to visit to help teach a class in journalism and I'm helping Alya build this week," Jon said and Alya's eyes lit up at the idea of The Clark Kent teaching a journalism class.

"Wait, Clark Kent is coming to Paris?" Alix asked and the class started freaking out a little.

"Yeah, I'm going to get him during lunch, I'm sure dad you love to speak to the class if that's ok Miss. Bustier?" Jon asked and the teacher nodded wanting to learn from the hero discovering man himself.

Marinette ran home during lunch while Jon introduced his dad to everyone and she tried her best to make as many sweets as possible.

Lila sat in her room across Paris fuming. No one was a better hero than she was, she was the best hero and Jon's hero! A black butterfly flew into her bracelet and she felt darkness overtake her. She was Volpina again and she was about to make Paris quiver before her.

The people of Paris watched as their once beloved heroes started attacking each other. Chat Noir called out his cataclysm but Ladybug was prepared and used it against him. Who would protect them now? Superboy and Robin weren't anywhere in sight, perhaps they have tried to and were struck down and killed like Chat. Volpina watched and her akuma was separated from her body. Hawkmoth would need her again someday but now was not the time.

Marinette walked back into school after her failure to make as much as she said she would and saw Uncle Clark standing in the lobby of the school answering questions as Adrien and Jon sat in the corner laughing together.

She heard a cough behind her and saw Damian standing there.

"You're doing that tasting thing tonight right?" Damian asked and Marinette nodded. "Jon insisted that I go, if you want any help I could come over later," Damian said smirking a little like he knew that she wasn't prepared.

"Yeah, you would be great... that would hate... that would be great," Marinette stumbled over her words and Damian just patted her shoulder and walked past her.

"Marinette?" Clark asked adjusting his glasses.

"Uncle Clark!" Marinette ran over and jumped into his arms like she did when her and Jon were kids.

"Good to see you again, how are your studies?" Clark asked getting into a bunch of questions. A gasp broke the two out of their conversation and a bunch of red butterflies flew down akumatizing students.

"Dad! Don't let fear overtake you!" Jon yelled and others followed along with his example and the butterflies left them alone but others had already been akumatized.

Marinette ran off to the bathroom and Adrien took Jon with him. "I'm not going to be able to do this on my own, we need to go to Master Fu," Marinette said transforming and going over to Fu's place. Superboy landed behind her and shot his laser eyes at something or more like someone. Glasses fell to the ground and a red akuma came out.

"Thanks Superboy," Ladybug said and Superboy waited outside with Chat above him. She returned with three boxes. "We have work to do. I'll get Rena Rouge and Carapace and you get Queen Bee," Superboy nodded and took the box getting ready to fly over to Chloe's hotel. He landed on the roof and she ran over and hugged him.

"Let's do this, we've got a lot of work to do," Superboy said and Chloe transformed into Queen Bee.

Ladybug busted into the locker room and saw Nino and Alya hiding together. "Rena Rouge and Carapace, I need you," Ladybug said handing them their miraculous.

"You're Rena Rouge?" Nino asked and Alya laughed before transforming and Nino did the same.

Everyone looked out at Hawkmoth who had just appeared and told the people of Paris that he was going to destroy Ladybug and Chat Noir. If he said that then that must have meant that Ladybug and Chat Noir were still on the good guys side. The six heroes stood there looking and a grapple came between them and Robin appeared.

"What's the plan?"

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