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     Adelaide flinches when she hears the barn door barge open, completely drawing her out of her memories.

"GET UP!" he yells, the woman doing just that, bowing her head.

"My Lord I-"

"Shut up!" he exclaims, grabbing her chin, forcing her to look up at his unsettling face.

"You were the one that made the prince deny us the loan!"

Her mouth goes dry immediately. How did he know? Did someone see or overhear them in the stables? What should she say? Her heart pounds harder and louder.

"Your presence disgusted him!"

"GRAYSON!" his mother yells walking inside the barn.

"Leave me be mother! That two-faced prince who stopped me from exercising my rights months ago, only to show his true colors today! I always knew he was a bastard but you are the one to blame!" He glares at Addy, his eyes then raking her body, making her sick.

"You will leave that girl alone!"
He pulls Adelaide against him, holding her waist, the poor girl's heart pounding as tears leave her eyes...she wouldn't know what to do if this man decides to take her. Even if it means death, she will never allow him to have his way.

"Grayson!" she hears before a loud thump echoes in the barn. The man tears himself away from her. "Mother!" Adelaide sees her master on the floor unconscious, her heart is racing faster, she can't die and leave her with this man.


"Mother, what do you know about slaves?"

Queen Mira is shocked. This is the first time her son has approached her first since the beginning of this year and it's to ask about slaves?

She clears her throat flipping through the pages of the book in her hand, "Why do you ask about slaves?"

"Is there any way a slave can rise from his or her position?"

The prince's eyes dart to the book the queen slammed shut, obviously in annoyance.

"Slaves will be slaves no matter what."

"And if one of the royals or anyone from your alliance decides to marry one?"

"The person is diminishing their status. Who would want to marry a slave when there is no land, no army, and no money? You marry to whom you can get something out of in return."

"Who knows, there might be someone out there who does not care about those things," he shrugs leaning back on the chair opposite his mother.

"The person is a fool then. Putting your name on the line for a mere slave is stupid, mad, and idiotic. But you're not all that because you know slaves are beneath you," she smiles looking at him.

She is certainly in for a surprise. The silence after her words is deafening, so his mother speaks up about the matter that has given her sleepless nights.

"You need an heir"

"Mother," Nicholas warns standing up immediately but the queen mimics his move blocking his path.

"Stop running away from this discussion Nicholas! You need a wife and an heir to secure your position as future king"

"Mother, I am not fighting for the throne with anyone, why are you pushing this?"

His mother keeps mute, her breath a little unsteady, there was something up. Nicholas frowns when his mother does not respond to him. "Mother-"

"You can go," she walks past him to her bed. He turns around making his way to her front.

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