Chapter 39: REQUEST

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Nicholas holds Adelaide against him, as they lay down in comfortable silence.

"How was your day?" she asks, looking up at him, trailing her fingers on his chest. He sighs, looking at her, "Troublesome, but it's alright, I got by just fine because I knew at the end of the day, I would see you."

She smiles, nodding at him. Nicholas's hand rests on her belly as he looks down at it. "How's our baby?"

Adelaide places her hand on top of his, "Our baby is fine." The prince smiles when he feels the baby kick. He moves down, placing a kiss on it, "I love you. I'll protect you and your mother no matter what." His lover cannot help but feel complete. Their baby is doing well, her man is by her side, doing the best he can to be there for them, she's so satisfied and scared that everything is just too perfect.

"Addy," he calls her out of her thoughts. Nicholas had come back up but noticed she was absent-minded.

"Is something wrong?"

She shakes her head smiling at him.

"Princess we are past this. Come on, tell me what's bothering you."

Adelaide sighs, "Everything is just perfect..."

Nicholas arches an eyebrow at her, " that supposed to be a bad thing?"

"No, it's just...everything seems too perfect. I'm just scared that it is preparing me for something bad-"

"Hey, look at me." She does just that, her face filled with worry. "Answer my request."

"Nicholas, now is not the time-"

"You've been keeping me hanging since I left for Charlene's kingdom in the winter. I came back and reminded you again, but you ignored it."

It still seems impossible for her to believe that Nicholas had asked her such a question last year and even now he's engaged!

The prince turns her head so that she is facing him, his expression as serious as the first time he asked.

"James please!" Charlotte practically whines, holding his arm as they walk through the gardens, earning the attention of everyone, maids, guards, servants, and all. James smiles to himself ignoring her pleas, as they walk on. When was the last time Charlotte behaved like this with him? The princess lets go of him, in annoyance. Does he expect her to keep begging? He turns around but his smile is not matching her frown.

"I don't care anymore, enjoy yourself," she says, turning around to head back inside but her lover grabs her arm. "Come on Char, I know you're just trying to get a reaction out of me."

Charlotte turns to him, her face completely neutral, "I am dead serious James, you probably have a woman waiting for you there. Go to her," she loosens her wrist from his grip, walking away, but James catches up, blocking her path.

"Aww, my princess is jealous."

"Stop playing, I'm being serious, now get out of my way." She rolls her eyes, walking past him, but he grabs her again, pulling her against him, holding her tight.

"You switch up so quick turns me on," he whispers the last part in her ear, her face turning beet red. "Let go of me you perverted soul!" she struggles, but James looks down at her, clearly amused. "We both know you're not trying."

The princess sighs, irritated, "Are you taking me or not?"

"Taking who where?" A voice asks from behind them.

"Brother." Charlotte frees herself from James' embrace, facing Nicholas. "He's taking me with him, back to Castille. I want to stay there for a while, away from all this drama," she says, locking arms with James.

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