Chapter 1

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The evening had grown late when the piercing sound of Dante's telephone rang clear throughout the apartment complex that he had accommodated recently in the vibrant yet dangerous streets of London. The constant whining of the sounding phone had caused him to stir from his once deep slumber, managing to muster the energy to shuffle to the edge of the dark red sheets of the king-sized bed that he had found himself sleeping in as of late and drag his uncooperative limbs into a sitting position before finally pushing himself up from the warm confinements of the soft mattress. His sockless feet sliding with little force across the dark oak laminate that lined the flooring of the entire house, shuffling in the darkness towards the still screeching phone.

Finally reaching his goal, he picked the black glossy phone up and jabbed the grey answer button that was lighting up before wrapping his slim porcelain fingers around the device and holding it to his ear, platinum blonde bangs falling over half the phone as he ran a hand through his hair, muttering a:

"Detective Dante Rivers." Voice groggy and husky from slumber, not having fully awoken yet even though the cold flooring caused his toes to twitch absentmindedly. His slow voice was met with a hushed one, speaking quickly into the speaker, leaving his brain minimal time to process the information before the male on the other end of the line hung up, leaving him staring blankly at the now dull screen of the phone.

From his bedroom he heard his phone vibrate on the black wooden bedside table. Pausing for a moment, he turned and placed the telephone back in its pod and span on his heels to retrieve his mobile. Once he reached the bedroom he flicked on the light, met with a blindness that soon cleared once he adjusted to the new light. This then revealed his bedroom; walls a dark red with black blinds and furniture, a leather framed bed showing where he had once been comfortably sleeping a few moments ago with a raven coloured bedside table and full length mirror beside it. On the left wall stood a grand black wardrobe that stretched across the entire side of the wall, a mix of draws and cupboards built into the wood work. He threw the doors open gracefully and flicked through the clothing he had acquired over the past few years, settling on a scarlet button down shirt, black dress pants and black waistcoat that had a pocket watch settled in the shallow pocket with smart black shoes. Changing quickly, he slipped on his black trench coat and swiped the keys of his black BMW M3 from the side along with his phone and made haste to his car with fast steps. Checking the text message from earlier he discovered that Augustus, the man who had called, had sent him the address to the crime scene that he was currently on his way to.

Unlocking the car, he slipped into the leather driver's seat, closing the door firmly beside him and sighed softly as the smell of freshly cleaned leather filled his nose. He sat back against the red leather interior and smirked as the leather gave a soft satisfying squeak before slotting the key into the hole and powering the car up; the engine roaring to life, headlights flickering on in the darkness. Tapping the address into the satnav he began to drive, following the route that it had set, turning the radio on low to listen to the faint music that was playing on a random station. the song 'Burn' originally sung by 'Ellie Golding' came on the radio, covered by a band called 'Crown The Empire', creating a relaxing atmosphere with their soothing voices and soft metal as he continued to drive to the crime scene, arriving in under half an hour, turning the radio off and switching the car off, climbing out the car and slamming the door lightly, the nippy London air causing him to turn up his collar as he locked the door and retrieved his badge from his coat pocket, showing an officer as he entered the crime scene.

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