Chapter 11

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Hanna war shocked as bash cry
Hanna hugs bash

Bash:i am sorry i have you so disappointed mom

Hanna:oh bash my child i am not disappointed okey you had afraid you had nighmare

Bash:i...i have all abandoned all mom all

Hanna:oh bash no....look at me have i you nice say that you Always are strong and bravo


Hanna:hahah yes i have you always say as had new friends found and new world had your brother always here i you the new leader are had you all make that rules all you a kind war you 3 year old you had a baby trolls pay attention

Bash:i have forogt that name what's her name

Hanna smile

Hanna:queen poppy


Hanna:yes poppy don't knew she war a baby

Bash:that is

Hanna:crazy i know

Bash:why have we a green heart the trolls have i nohting

Hanna:yeah i know son

Bash:hhh 😔

Hanna:son i want to show you


Hanna:come look

Bash:what is that

Hanna:m that his the lizunk


Hanna:yes that war a legend son
That his the luzink and the war Partycrashers

Bash:is that a funny mom

Hanna:hahaha no :) no joke here give more for us 1.snake partycrashers 2.dragon and others

Bash:but his the trolls have afarid for us want we his how bergen so a bit

Hanna:yes i know but i and my sister was the only one lizard


Hanna:yes son

Bash:h..but what is with green so green string

Hanna:good ask this green String is for nature and countryside and wildlife

Bash:that is

Hanna:amazing i know

Bash:thanks you mom


Bash and hanna hugs


Hanna:yes king peppy

Peppy:come run

Hanna:oh no

Trolls pop boy:RUN


Chef ahh al grab

Hanna:son you have to poppy and the other found

All voice:aaa



Bash run always what he can he go to poppy and the others but as bash that sea look what his mom say bash sing and he run

You've seen their nightmares come alive
You've seen their sweetest dreams blossom and die
You've seen it all before, you've seen it all
So, why do you build us up to crumble and fall?
Why do you build us up to crumble and fall?

Give me strength and gratitude
Tell me what it is I can ask of you
Tell me what it is that I can't see
Tell me now, oh, tell me now
Who is it I'm supposed to be

You've given us a glimpse of paradise
You've given us a glimpse of what will be our sweet demise
You've given us everything and nothing at all
So, why do you build us up to crumble and fall?

Give me strength and gratitude
Tell me what it is I can ask of you
Tell me what it is that I can't see
Tell me now, oh, tell me now who is it I'm supposed to be

Something is wrong with me, can't make up my mind
I'm falling apart at the seams, I can't deny
I'm losing grip of what I thought I knew
Oh, I'm losing it, I'm losing it for you

Give me strength and gratitude
Tell me what it is I can ask of you
Tell me what it is that I can't see
Tell me now, oh, tell me now
Who is it I'm supposed to be

Something is wrong with me can't make up my mind
(Something is wrong with me)





Bash:poppy i am so sorry

Poppy:no is my fault :(

Bash:hh no but we have a problem

Poppy:tell us

Bash tell what happend is

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