Chapter 3

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Skye refused to answer any questions about the week Sophie spoke about or the look she and Miles shared.

She basically told me to mind my own business which only pisses me off. We're supposed to be talking about things and being honest.

I tried to forget it and even tried to get on her good side by buying the damn maroon suit she'd picked out. When the hell would I wear a suit that color again? It was ridiculous but I thought if I went along with it then she'd budge on some info. It didn't work.

So, I'm watching her today like a damn stalker. I want to figure out what she's hiding and why she transferred to Operations.

Sophie had made it clear that after the week Skye had gone away, she'd broken up with Miles and then proceeded to transfer to Operations. I knew she hadn't told me the full truth about transferring.

When I'd asked her to dinner, she'd insisted she had to be somewhere at seven and would not change her plans. She refused to let me drive her and instead I dropped her off at her dorm. I didn't think to follow her until later when I tried calling her and texting her with no answer.

"Why are you being such a freak? Who are you watching?" Bobbi's voice snaps me out of watching Skye from across the field.

I turn to look at her and she's looking over my shoulder. Her eyes squint and she must see Skye because she looks back at me.

I shake my head and walk off toward my next class. Bobbi is hot on my trail.

"So, you're seeing Skye?" One downside to Bobbi is that she's tall and keeps up with my stride too easily.

"Where'd you hear that?" I ask not turning to her. Bobbi is good at what we do. She can sniff out a lie and I can't let her know this thing with Skye isn't legit.

"Please." She sounds offended. "I'm not deaf. The whole damn campus is talking about it."

"What?" I stop to turn to look at her. Is she serious?

She sighs. "Ward, she's like the first daughter on campus and well you're—" she rolls her eyes, "well you're you. All you guys have been doing for the past year and a half is fighting. It's been like watching you guys foreplay with all the back and forth. Now that you guys are finally together, everyone is talking."

"Foreplay?" I repeat the word because it sounds disgusting coming from Bob but it plays in my head and I can't help deny that it actually feels that way.

Skye is getting under my skin and I'm not liking it. This is supposed to be an assignment and I'm already in too deep. Can I do two months of this?

"Kara left home last night but she'll be back in time for the party on Friday. Are you going to talk to her about this?" She gives me a threatening look.

"Can we stay on subject please?" I start walking again.

"It is the same subject. This thing you have going on with Skye—you have to tell Kara about it." Bob is always sticking her damn nose where it doesn't belong.

"This thing with Skye is new. We're just hanging out and it has nothing to do with Kara. We're not dating. We both agreed it was physical and nothing else. And it's not really any of your business."

"You're an idiot, Ward. Talk to Kara. This thing with Skye might just be starting out but it just started and by the looks of it you're already in deep."

"What? No way. Kara has nothing to do with this. Yes, this is different. I don't know how to describe it. We're just hanging out." I don't want to say too much to Bob.

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