Chapter 1 ~ School 🙄🥱

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Everyday was a routine I would struggle to wake up for; eat, work, school, pay bills, sleep. "Caish!" My mum called from, what some would call it 'a kitchen' but it consisted of an oven, sink, table and some draws. No chairs, no microwave. No, we're not rich like 'them' but my mum and I don't really care, ever once I was little when my dad left I kinda got used to moving from place to place, in old rugged flats. But this is the longest place we've lasted, thanks to the landlord being someone from mums old high school. But as long as we have enough money for the weekly rent payment we were happy as Larry.

As I was walking into the kitchen I saw my mum in her wheelchair, she was supposed to be bed ridden, but god forgive how stubborn she is. "Yes mum," I said while beginning to lay on the floor, which was the only cold place in this house on a 47°C day. "Can you get the salt from the top cupboard," she pleaded before turning off the stovetop, that once had a frying pan with an omelette in there. As I groaned at getting up I made my way over to the top cupboard and got out the 'special' salt, which was literally a $1 salt from the butcher, but we both agree that it's better then any salt in the world. Before passing it to mum I closed the cupboard and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, and passed the salt to mum. I ran to my phone sat on the living room table, in a split second after realising I probably have school in less then 5 minutes.

7:26am, it read. SHIT. "MUMMM I GOT TO GO!" School starts in 4 minutes. Run Acacia, run! On my way to getting my backpack with my homework I made a few pitstops, one at the bathroom, one at my makeup table, and don't forget about the food. Running past, I took my lunch and hung onto it in my mouth as well as getting my breakfast and thanking my mum and sending my goodbyes.

As you can tell, I luckily had a day off work today, I worked in an ice cream shop downtown, known as one of the best ice creameries in all of America. To be honest it's just cream, sugar and preservatives. But that what makes it good. Anyways enough about stupid work, time to get to school.


I swear it was like a marathon running to the torture buildings. School. I looked around for my family friend , aka, my best friend. I think we're coming up to our 16th year anniversary of our friendship. I've pretty much known him since I turned one, funny enough we met is public bathroom when I accidentally walked into the boys toilets, because at that age we wouldn't know what the difference was. But he let me pee in his stall while his dad waited just infront of the door to give me some privacy because I was too 'scared' to close the toilet door. As soon as I spotted Troy I almost died. Did he get hotter over summer break, or is it just me, I saw him occasionally during the break, but never realised he was smoking hot. "SUP MAMAS!" He yelled halfway across the hall, making every girl stare at him, checking him out. "Shut the fuck up before I throw you out the window," "yeesh calm down hot acacia-marie" that's it. He fucking knows. HE FUCKING KNOWS!!!! Backstory: I hate that name, it's my full name, and absolutely HATE it. "Where's the closest window?" At this point I was looking for a window to just shove him out of. Bye bye Troy Zarbra. More like Zebra.

Sorry it's short and just a filler we will meet Vinnie next chapter I think 😐. But anyways, how has your day been? Commentttt ——————>
Oh and sorry, it was my birthday today so I uploaded a bit later.

Have a great day x

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