Chapter 2 ~ "NERD"

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As Mr Troyson shot me a death glare, I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. Like seriously stfu Mr Troyson, no one wants to be tortured by you.... Even ur Karen wife. He came storming right up to me as if we were in an action movie or summin. "What do you have to say for yourself young girl!" He peered down looking over his glasses "OUUUU" the class responded. Who ever said kids mature? "That theres a table over there, go smash your head on it, it looks ill do everyone a favour." I winked before standing up and pushing my way out of the classroom after Mr Troyson sent me to hell. Not like school wasn't hell, but the principal is SOOOO fucking annoying. Reminding you to 'BE HAPPY :)' 'RESPECT YOUR IDIOTIC TEACHERS' 'HAVE SEX WITH UNQUALIFIED TEACHERS'

Whoops- the last one is the funniest... we caught him giving it to Mrs Clarke in the lunchroom, their moaning was so fucking hilarious it sounded like a giraffe trying to make out. Enough putting you through that... disgusting image, I walked into the Principals office. "3rd time this week miss Adams." He tried to sound posh "4th time you've cheated on your wife this week, Mr Wilson," i rolled my eyes "That is NOT to be talked about in this manner!"


After earning an after school detention I rolled into the Cafeteria with a hot Troy Zarbra right beside me, catching glares, and stares from across the room. These peasants can't mind their own business. To make matters better I got food spilt all over my brand new air jordans. I swear I was about to kill this kid. I looked up and he looked so weak and nerdy. Ew. "I'm so sor-" he managed to spit out before I raged at him "What in gods name did u just do?" I spat "Calm down, it's just food it will com-" "WHO THE FUCK DO U THINK U R TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN, WHEN U WERE THE ONE WHO SPILT THIS DISGUSTING REGURGITATED FOOD ALL OVER MY NEW AIR JORDANS? DO U KNOW HOW HARD I WORKED FOR THESE? NO, SO GO SUCK UP TO UR DADDY JUST SO U CAN GET UR PRETTY ASS LAND ROVER! NERD" I screamed before walking over to my resigned table. 'resigned'... yeah the only place I can feel like I rule the world.

"Jeez Caish, didn't need to have a meltdown in the middle of the school." Troy knew he probably messed up by saying that, but he couldn't care less. I just glare at him. Probably been glaring at him for a minute now. Before turning around to focus getting this gut wrenching scum off my shoes. "When are they going to serve some real food here?"


LAST PERIOD OF THE DAY. No. Not the feminine period. A school period. Period of time? Well anyway. I'm stuck in Chem trying to figure out what homework I'm stuck trying to figure out after this sucker day. "Class!" The teacher caught all of our attention at the front of the class. Guess who it is? None other then Mrs Clarke. The one who's married but still had sex with the principal? Remember her? Right. After handing out pan flips to the class we read them aloud:

Dear class of YT4,
We will learn about physical chemistry this semester, and will furthermore learn about mental chemistry next semester, but we will be discussing on reasoning why the chemicals in chlorine and other objects that share the same Neutral pH levels react to one another.

Looking forward to teaching you!
Mrs Clarke

Term 1 Week 4 assignment.

Ugh! This bitch. "Class, I want you all to discuss, to the person next to you, what you think pH levels have to do with anything and everything!" I wasn't sitting next to anyone, luckily which means I don't have to become all nerdy and shit. I just lean back in my chair, before getting rudely interrupted by Miss Clarke
"What do u think ur doing?" "Uhhhh thinking? What does it look like?" I answer back adding a bit of sas to my tone. "I'm guessing u don't have a partner.... Haha. Anyways, VINNIE! GET UR BUTT OVER HERE!" I look back to see the guy who dropped the cockroach infested food on me. No. I'm not talking to him. :). End of story.

ViNnIe came over and sat next to me. "What do u want?" I answered looking from my clean shoes back to him. "Uhhh don't we have to talk about pH levels?" I laugh at how stupid he was. "You really think, I'm going to talk about that dumb shit with u? Haha, no." I look away and look out the window to see Troy dancing around like a maniac on the football field. Omg 🤦🏼‍♀️. I see Mr Wilson running after him and plenty other teachers. He comes close to our classroom window and waves at me. See what I've had to deal with for almost 16 years. As I'm laughing I turn around to see ViNnIe zoning out. "Bitch," I say as I click my hand infront of him. "Mhm?" He responds to me as well as moving his head towards me. "Let's get this torture over and done with, we need to act like we're talking, there's only 30 minutes to the bell so hang tight." I say "well.... what do u want to talk about?" He answers dumbfounded "idk I got stuck with u, so think dumby," he looks at me with nothing. "This is soooo annoying! How am I supposed to talk to u for 30 minutes while Mrs Clarke goes and makes out with Mr Wilson for 30- 25 minutes." I say while looking at the clock.

Ahhh- I wrote this within an hour at like 3 am so don't judge if it ain't perfect. Sprry I didn't upload. Still have 0 views but that's ok :)


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