Chapter 1

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Persephone POV:

17 years... 17 years I have been in this hell hole of a life.

My names Persephone Robinson I was named after the goddess of spring

My mother chose me that name before I was born she died at child birth. My father never liked me, he blames me for my her death while giving birth to me.

Ever since that day and have been abused. I live in a tiny apartment which has two little rooms

My room is quite plain all I have is a single bed, a lamp and a desk for homework which I bought in a thrift store

I am in my last year of high school, I can't wait to leave this horrid place as soon as I graduate I am going to move to the city and for fill my dream of being a fashion designer

I know some of you may be thinking how far fetched and unrealistic this job is, but ever since I was young I had a love for fashion. If only I had enough money to afford to have some.

All I had were 2 pairs of jeans 4 tee-shirts a dress a couple of shorts for in the summer and my worn out trainers I couldn't even affords a nice pair of heels.

I managed to find my mums old heels when tidying the house. stashed away in a box in my fathers cupboard. They were one of the only belongings I had of hers.

My father burnt the rest, I know this because I remember one night I saw him outside burning photos in a barrel filled with flames sobbing.

Today is my first day of senior school I was petrified.

I never really had many friends, but that's not the thing I was worried about.

My father abuses me nearly every day, he calls me names and sometimes hits me. he even once threw a beer bottle at my head luckily he missed, but he wasn't far off.

Every single day I worry about walking into school and someone noticing bruises and scars  on my body

Because I know if they found out they would take me away from my father.

U may be wondering why I don't want that to happen well.....


I was wondering downstairs for a snack after doing a full hour of homework. Deciding to go grab a victory snack.

I then hear my father crying on the floor drunk, looking at the picture of my dear mother.

That's to only photo we have of her my father insisted we throw all the rest out.

He never even let me see the one in his wallet because he said I wasn't worthy enough to look at her because I murdered her. Which is true.

My father turn to look at me

'Ohhh my sweet, sweet Stephe' he said still sobbing

'Don't ever leave me.... please, after your mother left I just can't handle it any more, if u leave I will kill myself.

I stood there in shock. What did he just say, panic hit me what was I meant to do I wanted to travel the world and go to the city to pursue my dreams how was I meant to do that stuck here.

I slowly walked up to my room evaluating what just happened, Then it hit me.

'When I turned a legal adult at 18 I would leave school and maybe send him to a psych ward. Or was that to crazy? Noooo it will be fine right?' I said to myself.

To be honest I had no idea how these things work I barely know to to swim or ride a bike.

That was a worry for the future me.

Present day:

There I stood out side my high school, it was dull and ugly. However, it's was trying to be masked up my bright red banners spread across the buildings

I slowly walk up the stairs, thinking maybe the longer I take, I will eventually wake up from this nightmare.

I never did. I stood in math class head down at the back of the classroom. Trying to be unnoticed, the less attention I get the better I can't risked being seen.

The teacher then walk is in and everyone settles down into there chairs.

The teacher was called mr Brandy, he wore a light blue creased shirt with a stripy tie and black tight fitted trousers, which people could always see his boner through. He also had his hair styled to the back by grease and had a creepy smirk stuck on his face.

I have caught him staring at me and few times and I notice he always try's to call me out for when he's looking for answers. He probably is trying to make me get a better social life and interact with the class more. Which is nice but I don't want to be noticed.

10 minutes later the door suddenly flies open.

it was the high school jock Jake, he alway had a cocky smirk on his face. He never one payed attention to me so I just ignored him.

'Oooh look what he have here, looks like miss quite girl over here has grown a nice set of t*ts'

I hear the whole class giggling, I look up to see that he was talking about me. Mortified I suddenly run out of the classroom.

Tears stream down may face, I can't believe he just did that now I'm going to be know for the girl who grew a nice set of boobs during summer.

All of a sudden I run into something hard

'Owie' I mumble.

I look up to see a 6,4 Greek god man staring down at me.

Omg I can believe I just said that embarrassed I hide me face with my hands.

'I am so sorry' I say checking if he was ok.

'It's fine princess' he said with a smile.

Princess? I was no princess well for starters I definitely didn't live like one. But wow, this guys had the best smile I have ever seen is that even possible.

All of a sudden, he grabs my hand. Even though it was with force he still seemed to be gentle with me.

'Why are you crying' he says in a angry tone

'No reason, it's nothing' I try to reassure him

'Princess, tell me the truth' he says I could feel him getting more aggravated by the second

'A boy just said somethings that's all' I tell him, trying to show him I'm fine

'HE DID WHAT' he yelled '


'Hesaidihaveanihavegrownanicet*ts' I mumble quickly

'Darling say it slower'

Omg did he just call me darling I'm gonna faint

'Ummm he said I have grown a nice set of tits....' I say hoping he wouldn't get to mad. He doesn't even know me so he would be mad, right?

Name? He spat

Pardon? I question in confusion. Why would he need his name?

'Uhhh Jake....' I say unsurly scared of what he will do or say.

Suddenly, he left swiftly down the hall leaving me alone.

I walk outside on a bench wondering what he's doing right now he looked pretty mad when he stormed of, I also questioned if I would ever see that pretty stranger again.


Word count: 1266

Idk if anyone with read this but if they do thanks? Plz add to your library and promote it to your friends? Idk I have no idea how these things work

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