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hi!!! so this chapter includes a punishment scene !!! warnings for humiliation, choking, face slapping and spanking !!

Jungkook could hardly pay attention to his laptop when Jimin was in front of him. A dance studio wasn't the best environment to revise math notes in, but he couldn't pass up the opportunity when Jimin asked him if he wanted to come to the studio with him. While they didn't hang out often, the occasions steadily grew until their time spent as friends was more frequent than their scenes. On the days they couldn't see each other they'd text, whether it was Jungkook sending him pictures of Taehyung embarrassing himself or Jimin talking about something funny that happened at Persona, they always kept in contact. Which is how Jungkook ended up fantasising about Jimin's abs instead of completing his classwork.

Jimin was always dressed rather modestly, never (intentionally) showing off his figure, but today was different. His stomach was on full display as he danced, a tiny black crop top stopping right at the middle of his torso. Jungkook had been right in his suspicions that Jimin was soft all over, his balanced curves rivaling what would be considered a woman's "ideal" body. But he hadn't expected to see the muscles that flexed and glistened with each bend and turn. He definitely hadn't expected to see thick, black ink decorating his ribs.

Nevermind , it said, in jagged letters. The english word was a stark contrast against his demure appearance. It wasn't his only tattoo, however. Two dainty words were inked onto the back of his arms, "Young Forever" it said, Jungkook found it more than endearing. He even tells him so as he walks over to grab a drink of water.

"I got it when I was far less mature." Jimin remarked back, a nostalgic smile on his lips as he wiped the sweat from his brow and sat the water bottle down. "But I still think it's a good message."

"What do your parents think of it?" Jungkook questioned, half out of sheer curiosity and half wanting to see if he was worth getting the same reaction from his own parents. He'd always liked the idea of going under a tattoo needle.

"The same thing they think of me dominating people for money." He replied with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Nothing, because they don't know."

Jungkook eventually closed his laptop, accepting the fact that he could never get anything done with Jimin dancing around. He was told that in addition to getting paid, Jimin could also use the studio for his own dance since he taught. Watching Jimin leap and twirl and fall to the ground gracefully captivated Jungkook. The blonde danced with every inch of his body, from the delicate curl of his fingers all the way down to the straining arch of his foot.

Jungkook was interested in hip-hop, the kind of breakdancing that Hoseok did, the kind of dance that he saw on the streets of Hongdae when he first moved to Seoul. While he'd seen videos Namjoon had taken of the two dancers doing their fair share of that, he hadn't realised how amazing of a dancer Jimin was when he was in his comfort zone of contemporary. He moved like magic, his feet barely grazing the ground. Jungkook felt captivated watching him.

The dancer landed on his knees, his back moving up and down with each labored breath before he relaxed into his position, whipping his hair back as he looked at Jungkook with a faint smile. Sweat glistened against his showing skin and he rested his hands on his bare waist.

"What?" He questioned him before he gracefully stood, his bare feet padding against the wooden floor as he took slow strides towards Jungkook. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're beautiful." The younger replied, unable to hold back his honesty.

The two men stared at each other for a moment, Jungkook looking up at him with wide, amazed eyes. Even though Jimin was no longer moving, he couldn't take his eyes off of him. There was something enchanting about him. The curve of his hip, or the plushness of his lips, his strong arms and thighs, the way a flicker of his eyes could ignite every emotion in Jungkook, all at once. He walked into a room and it was like all of the oxygen went with it, as if everything in the universe belonged to him and him alone. It's as if he was the universe, or at least to Jungkook he could be.

Nothings Gonna Hurt You Baby // jikookWhere stories live. Discover now