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Jungkook shivered as he felt the last knot binding his hands behind his back finally finish, the ghost of Jimin's warm grasp trailing up his bulging biceps. He curled his fingers into the submissive's hair, pulling painfully until his head came off of the pillow and looked at him with watchful eyes.

"Color, Jungkookie?" He asked sweetly, like he always did before he got mean. The words alone send a zip of hot arousal through him, knowing what was coming next.

"Green, Hyung." He replied breathlessly, receiving no response except for the hand in his hair finally releasing and his head instantly falling against Jimin's white silk pillowcase.

He'd asked Jimin for more impact play, wanting to build up his tolerance to the treatment, and also desperate to see Jimin let go just a little more. He knew that he was in for a treat when after their negotiation Jimin had not only allowed him to touch himself, but ordered him that he be prepped before he came over.

The whole rule of asking permission to masturbate had proven more difficult than he thought, he'd only done so twice, when he was too desperate and horny to wait until the next time he saw Jimin but it unleashed a wave of embarrassment over him, for some reason he thinks that's why the rule existed. It just served as another reminder of the power that Jimin had over him.

The toys Jimin had picked out for the evening sat on the nightstand, burning a hole in Jungkook's mind as he wondered which one would be used first. Each was designed to dish out a different kind of pain, a new path of exploration for the darkest parts of Jungkook's mind to travel down.

His knees ached where they pressed into the mattress, ass up and cock hard. Jimin's short nails bit into the soft skin of his ass where he gripped the flesh before pulling back and leaving a singular, stinging smack. Jungkook resisted the urge to lurch forward, not wanting to anger the man. Despite the fact that he was going to be hit several times with several objects, it wasn't a punishment and Jimin made sure that he knew that. This was part of his training, a safe moment to explore the different kinds of pain he could like.

There was also the glint of something shiny beside the toys, a knife with a white handle that Jimin carried with him. He knew it was there for the ropes god forbid they need it, but he couldn't help but imagine the cold press of the blade against his chest as Jimin cut off the fabric of a shirt, too desperate and cruel to help the boy take it off. The thought was dangerous, but it sent heat straight to his groin, making a mental note to ask Jimin how much he'd have to beg for him to do it.

Jimin picked from the toys, his hand curling around the handle of a heart shaped paddle. Excitement rushed through the submissive as he whined pitifully, the sound of Jimin's chuckle being his only response.

The leather of the paddle rubbed over his sensitive skin before it raised and landed onto the fattiest part of his ass. It was less of a sting than he was expecting, instead being more of a harsh thud against skin. His hands curled into fists, causing his arms to flex and press against the rope tying them together.

"Only one and you're already turning pink.. my pretty baby." Jimin marveled, almost as if he were talking to himself rather than the submissive.

Jungkook preened under the compliment, rubbing his face against the pillow as he squirmed. His movements were quickly stopped by the pressure of Jimin's hand on his lower back, an unspoken warning to stay still.

The smacks of the paddle alternated on each side until his skin felt hot and sore from the abuse. Each time he smacked him the red hot skin would burn with a sting, soon the minimal amount of pain he was feeling soon felt stacked into a higher level.

It took great self control not to wiggle or move away from the smacks, the mental part of his submission stronger than his physical dislike of the pain being inflicted. As he drooled against the pillow Jungkook wondered just how far he was willing to go, how much he would endure to fulfill his submission to his dominant. He never considered himself to be a particularly selfless person, but he had a hard time of thinking of things he wouldn't do to be the target of Jimin's praise.

Nothings Gonna Hurt You Baby // jikookWhere stories live. Discover now