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Sirius Black was, indisputably, a babe. He was ridiculously good-looking, of course, but what really did it was his self-assured nature. He radiated confidence, always sure of himself, never once doubting his ability to do something, even if that something was racing James down the side of the astronomy tower in a shopping cart.

Because he was Sirius Black, goddammit, and he could do what he liked.

At least that was what he told himself. He repeated it over and over in his mind as his father screamed at him. It echoed through his head as he writhed in pain on the floor after his mother fired curses at him. And he whispered it to himself every time his brother fixed him with one of those glares that made him want to shrivel up and die.

Despite that, Sirius was loyal to the bone. Loyal as a dog, you could say. 


Sirius glanced up from the essay he was half-wittingly writing as the common-room door swung open. "Hey, Pete, where ya' been?" He called out to the short, mousy-looking boy. His words were met with a short whimper. 

"Oh Merlin!" James cried out as he took a closer look at Peter. Remus's mouth dropped open in shock as Sirius bolted upright to gape at the fifteen-year-old in the foyer. "Fuck, Peter, what happened?"

Peter opened his mouth before wincing in pain and closing it again. His face was covered in bruises, blood trickling from cuts at the corner of his mouth and on his temple. Sirius was filled with a righteous anger as his gaze raked over Peter, scanning the boy for any other injuries. "Who?" Sirius asked sharply, crossing the room to examine him more closely.

"What the hell happened to you, Mate?" James swore, leading Peter back to the couch. Remus shook his head as they settled down, waiting expectantly for the boy's explanation.

"I-it was Snivellus," The injured fifteen-year-old whimpered. "He--He said he caught me at a good time, when none of you were there to help me. He said that I..."

"He said what?" Sirius demanded sharply, his rage threatening to boil over.

"He said I was the weak link, the one they knew wasn't good enough or smart enough to fight back."

James audibly ground his teeth, looking as if he were liable to blow up at any moment. Remus shot a silencing look at the two. "Guys, I wish we could do something about it, but I've got to get to the shrieking shack in like ten minutes. It's a full moon, in case you've forgotton."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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