The new demon

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Shinra POV

It has been a year since I meet Izuku his school apparently increased the amount of years they would be staying all because of the recent villain attack so Izuku trained hard and study harder to the point where he finished months before his class and took the remaining months to train he got a fire quirk called Hell blaze

He got used to what happens here he even meet sho and Captin Benimaru the instantly started bonding so now Izuku acts as monotone as him but more emotion. After a few months he met company 8. He now studies with lieutenant Nawa, working out with Oze and praying with Iris while hand to hand combat with Captain Obi he even started fighting like me.

Deku POV

It has been a while since I've seen the others Shoka keeps texting me I just ignore them but I once accidentally bump into Tokoyami I asked him to keep it a secret and I think he did because as nobody has been looking for me and we started to hangout he is actually  cool guy reminds a but of uncle Nawa . To day Shinra told me I'll be going to back UA I sighed at the thought so before I go back I went for a walk.

As I went for the walk I got spotted by Shoka she tried to talk to me but I ignored her and carried on till she grabbed my arm I looked her in the eye yanked my arm from her and walked way while saying " Go be lovey dovey with that Angel bastard "

Shoka: He's only a friend

Izuku: Then what does " The Angel I love " mean hmm??

Shoka: ....

Izuku: That's what I thought slut

I walked a way and heard her crying not caring I fastened my pace and was in a alleyway were a bunch of thugs are around some girl in a kimono.

As I look closer it was Skylar Yang her dad was a big shot CEO so wonder what I she doing here, but not the matter I walk and say " You its not right to gang up on a girl"

One of the men walked

Thug1: Yeah well it's none of your business

Izuku: It is when it considering a terrified girl

He through a fist at me but I ducked and kneed him in the gut he fell down knocked out, the other three ran to me while one stayed with Yang I jumped over them one activated hid quirk and his hand became a huge hammer he swang it at me but I kick it back hitting his face knocking him out the other one formed a ball full of bricks and threw it at me so I kicked and it broke to pieces implying the two thugs. I turn around to look at the guy showing my sinister sharp toothed grin ' Oh yeah  I got razor sharp teeth after getting my quirk ' He looked terrified I pressed my finger on my thumb and I rockets to grabbing his face as I was above him up side down I blasted a power flame from my hands sending the remaining thug to the ground.

I landed infront of Yang and she hugged me

Yang: Thank you, thank you, thank you

Izuku: Okay no problem

I pull her up and she kissed my chick and took a picture asked for a lift home so I picked her up bridal style and she was all flirty while I flew her back and dropped her of she gave me her number and asked for my name I answer " Izuku Kusakabe "

Yang: Well Kusakabe see you around

Izuku: Yeah you too

I flew of with the wind hitting my face and I started to smile

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