Hang out

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Deku POV

As me and Shota left the school and we came across a icecream shop, so we went in. I got a strawberry and vanilla icecream, while she got a chocolate chip and mint one.

We left the shop and Shota had an idea " Why don't we go to the later tag range " I answer " Why ? "

Shoka: Because it will be fun

Izuku: Fine

Shoka: Alright me and Angel would go there 

Izuku: I changed my mind * I deadpanned *

Shoka: Whhaatt whyyy * she whined *

Izuku: Because anything that rat does I won't

Shoka: Pleaaaasseee

Izuku: Ugh Whatever

We make it to the lazer tage range and we registered in a two person team and we both had 20 lives . We got in and I swear to god I want to run out cause I saw Angel, the Johna guy and the Halo girl. They walked to us and I began walking away but i got stopped by Shoka then this motherfucker named Angel grabbed her hip like he owned her and walks away with her. Johna then walked up to me gripping my shoulder very hard

Johna: So how has life been treating you

Izuku: Good hows your jaw

Johna: Fine you little shit

Izuku: Really huh? I guess you mutts are have a strong jaw

Before he could answer Shoka grabbed me and we started to walk away, before we were out of sight I flipped Johna off

Izuku: So what was that about

Shoka: Well...


Shoka POV

As Angel was pulling me by the waist I see johns walk up to Izuku

Angel: So what have you two been doing

Shoka: Nothing much just hanging out

Rocky: So has he forgiven you

Shoka: No he hasn't

Halo: So why don't you ditch him and we can go have some fun

Shoka: Sorry but I promised him I'd hangout so I got to go

I removed Angle's arm and felt him grip tighter. I finally released my self from him and ran to a chilled Izuku and pissed Johna so I pulled Izuku away before those two fight each other.

Flashback Ends

Izuku: Huh so they wanted to you to hang out with them, but you lied and said you promised to hang out with me

Shoka: Pretty much yeah

We where running but we heared a lazer shot and saw Izuku lost three lives he turns around and he looked pissed, but was smiling showing his razor sharp teeth, I turn and see Johna, Halo and Rocky holding their blasters pointing at us. The fired again but Izuku pushed me out the way taking three hits and hiding looked ne in the eyes and said " I'm end their whole courier " holding his gun like a  badass he stands up and starts shooting he hits all of them five times and bends down and grabs me then runs to the darkest part of the field.

As we arrived there he told me to hid so I did and I saw him walk inside as the others followed him, it was quite for a few minutes until I heard lazer shots and lives being lost till they dropped. Next I saw Rocky running he was out of sight but got shot at the back and I see izuku walking out with his original health and everyone else scared and with no health. " How" " I have a teacher that's all " he answered we left and I saw Izuku with smug smile in his face

Shoka: So why are you so smug

All he did was show me a picture of Angel screaming

Deku POV

As I told Shoka to hide I waited for the Rogues to come, when I saw I walked back slower so they could hear me and I hid in the shadows waiting again. As they entered one by one it was my time to hunt

I shot Johna a good five times before ducking down and moving to a spot above them I look and see the checked where I was when I shot him. Then I aimed at a guy I don't know the name and hit him six times and ran to be at a pillar behind them, after they checked above, then Halo girl walked up to my pillar waited till I could fully see her and gunned her down to no lives she alerted the others and I jumped to the top of the pillar and jump to a support beam and shot at Angel, that guy and Johna five times then took cover up the top floor. I then hid waiting as the walked I shot Angel and Johna  four times and ran to the top the start shooting at both sides but I was able to shot Angel four times running I stop and look as the are aiming at me I turn around and lean backwards falling I position my self so I'm falling and facing them I shot Angel and Johna taking there last lives I land and shot the other guy two times he starts to run away so follow him and as I couldn't see him I shot him taking his life away.

After that me and Shoka walked back she asked why I looked smuggled I show her a picture of a scared Angel and she  bursted our laughing

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