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|| sorry for such a short chapter baes 🌚 ||

The darkness...
The darkness consumed you...
You were floating in a black space, no walls, just space.
You had full body movement, you could feel yourself yet you were completely numb. Every inch of you was stuck in enlightenment, you liked this feeling.
It was bitter sweet in many ways; you tried to run, jump, swim - whatever you did, you were moving but you couldn't get out of that spot...
'If i stay here,' you thought. 'Ill go insane...'
You froze for a moment and looked around wide eyed. You looked up, down... All around... Nothing but black.
"Insanity." You said outloud. You stared down at your feet, still wide eyed.
"IN-SAN-IT-Y" you repeated. You giggled a little bit, it wasnt a happy giggle, though. It was twisted.
You fell into another silence before laughing like a mad man. You laughed as loud as you could, no one could stop you. No one.

Was this hell? Did Levi kill you when he grabbed you? You couldn't tell.

Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain on both of your wrists. You looked behind you but you saw nothing, yet it continued. You felt the same in your legs.

You laughed at the pain
"IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT?" You screamed out. If you only knew what was going to happen... You wouldn't of laughed...

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