Chapter 8: Well, I guess I'm going...

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A/N: The bedroom above is NOT how Mae's room is set up, this just gives out the same vibes/similar décor to the one I have in my head (feel free to imagine however you like though :))

ALSO: I decided to change the 'title format'. I got kind of tired, so I'm just titling the chapter however I please tehehe

The day continued quickly, Alex and I unpacking my long overdue luggage from my old apartment. 

By the time 4:00 rolled around, almost all of my boxes were unloaded and organized. I say most, because the box that accidently slipped out of his hands earlier was still 'hidden' under my desk.

He even helped me move around my furniture as I stressed over where I was going to put my excessive amount of clothes. But, I managed to cram in my outfits into a dresser and closet. 

After everything was in it's respected place, he didn't leave. I didn't mention it because, deep down, all I wanted for him to do was stay. He must've caught on, as he refused to budge. 

We didn't do much, besides have our usual banter and scroll through tiktok and laugh about the absurdity of the app. 

After what seems like 30 minutes of sitting in bed next to beanie boy, I check the time on my phone. 

Well damn. 7:48

"Alex, tell me how you've made the time fly by so fast? I need to know your secrets dude." I say to him, shock evident in my voice. I mean... he's been here for for almost 10 hours. How on earth did it feel like 2?

"What'd you mean?" he asks, checking his phone. His eyes widen and glare up to my equally shocked face, "It's not 7 already, right? It's not even dark outside."

I simply stand up and walk over to the curtains next to my bed and whip them open. I gesture to the lack of light entering the room. 

"Wow..." he replies, letting out a sigh. "I guess I should go and get ready for Eret's party then." He sits up and swings his legs over the side of my bed.

"This early? Just go in what you're wearing now." I say, walking over to him, pressing his chest to sit back down. 

He resists, grabbing my hand allowing himself to stand. "I forgot you're new here. Let me explain," he fully stands now, gesturing his hands out in front of him, "Eret's parties are amazing, ok."

"Yeah? So? Why can't you just wear that? You look fine." I interrupt, pointing at his outfit up and down. 

"Let me finish Mae," he smiles as he continues, "You can't just show up to one of Wilbur and theirs party wearing, this" he motions to his own outfit.


"Usually, his parties have themes. They're not like frat parties, though, were only 2 percent actually dress up. There are themed decorations, foods, outfits, everything." He continues, eyebrows raised at me, non-verbally asking "you understand?"

"Ok but, where the hell does he get the space, time, and money to set this all up?" I don't believe they're as good as he's leading them on to be. 

"I couldn't tell you. I know he works at Party City, so that's probably where he gets all his shit." he answers, grabbing his things before leaning against the closed door.

Just as his back hits the door, it swings open with Clay's head popping through. Alex just tumbles until he falls onto my bed across from the door. 

"Shit, sorry." Clay immediately exclaims, slamming the door. Once the door is fully closed, I hear a subtle knock on the door. Alex and I can't help but look at each other, bursting into a contagious laughter. 

"I'm just not used to having a female roommate and having to knock, sorry Mae." Clay says as he re-enters the room. 

"You don't knock on the guy's doors when you go in?" I ask, a confused, post-laughter tinge to my voice.

"No? I mean we're all guys. They don't do it either." Clay responds. Alex and I look at each other, holding back another burst of laughter. 

"Dude that's not normal" Alex tell Clay, watching Clay's face retreat in surprise. I can't hold it in anymore, letting my chuckles slip out my throat. 

"Y'know what Alex," Clay starts again, sarcastically giving him a 'talking to', "I don't care. Dickhead." This time it isn't just me falling into a fit of giggles at the bickering. Clay composes himself, beginning to talk again, "Anyways, Mae, what are you wearing to the party? The theme is Red Carpet Cocktail."

"So wait, you are going?!" Alex clarifies. I shake my head.

"Yeah, Clay said he'll take me. Actually, let me rephrase, he forced me to go with him." I glare over to Clay, him lifting his hand into  surrender. 

Alex looks over to him and back at me, "Actually Clay, if it doesn't bother you, I could take Mae. I'd be more than happy to." He walks closer to my side, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. 

Clay nods, eyebrows raised, then shifts his focus to me. 

"Sounds good to me." I turn my head to face Alex's. What I don't notice is how close our faces are, practically breathing alone. 

"Well, I'll leave you two shitheads to make out or whatever you guys we're doing before I interrupted." Clay closes the door behind him after leaving mine and Alex's face plastered with heat. I wish

"I'm gonna go now. Gotta find a 'red carpet cocktail' outfit, whatever the hell that means." He squeezes the shoulder his arm is wrapped around and lets go. As he leaves my room and I hear the front door shut, I can't help but flop on my bed in the most dramatic way possible, like a teenage girl in a coming of age movie. 

"Ok... what the hell am I gonna wear."

A/N: Even though this isn't a huge story or whatever, thank you guys so much for 500 reads! This means the world to me, especially with this being my first ever story (that I've had the guts to continue updating and posting). If you're enjoying it, please add it to your reading lists or get the word out <3

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