Chapter 1: Out of Breathe, Out of Time

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September 1st. Cambridge, Massachusetts. MIT. How did I get here?

Actually, I can answer that.


As I walk to class through the massive grass courtyard of fresh green needles practically smack dab in the center of campus, I can't help but think about how far streaming has gotten me.

Who am I kidding? I had maybe... 200 viewers per stream? Besides, that was the spark that ignited the fire that is my love for coding, programing, nerding shit, you know?

When I was young, my older sibling, Forrest, was always interested in building their own computer. For Christmas one year, my family managed to scrounge up enough money to get them their dream computer.

Ever since that Christmas, they were obsessed with becoming an incredible tech geek and teaching me the ropes along the way. And Forrest is now the reason college is draining my bank account.

Back to what I was saying, I had just transferred from Furman, which don't get me wrong, was a great school and all, it just wasn't my cup-o-tea. Massachusetts Institute of Technology had been my dream school ever since Freshman year of highschool when I first hopped into the gaming realm and discovered the art of advanced technology.

So, I applied. And I didn't get first. I'm not going to lie, I had never felt so disappointed, heavy, empty. But that wasn't going to stop me.

The amount of all nighters, parties skipped, and people lost due to excessive studying and working was going to be worth it. I knew it. I wasn't going to give up just because of one 'minor' setback (that wasn't so minor).

Back at Furman, I took up 2 jobs (tutoring and retail) just to pay for food and housing. Growing up, my family never had a lot of money, so we knew from the start that going to college wasn't going to be easy. I used to have to help my parents pay the electric bills some months when my dad was hopping from job to job.

But that only made me stronger. It only made me realize that I'm not going to be dropouts like my parents. I needed to work to achieve what I wanted, so that's what I did.

Year 2 of admissions and they accepted me. How? I couldn't tell you. But what's important is that it happened. My dreams were slowly coming true.

The day I got my acceptance letter I couldn't help but let go a little. Now that I was accepted, I didn't have to worry about getting good enough grades or sucking up to the MIT snob professors through sappy essays and impeccable test scores.

That was my first mistake... letting go. That's when I began party hopping and hooking up with hot upperclassmen at college. Not giving a shit about school and just being happy for one.

Waking up due to a hangover headache became my new alarm clock. And it just got worse. And worse. And worse. Until the end of college rolled around the corner, and I had no clue how I was going to keep up this lifestyle at home during the summer and next year at the college of my dreams.

That's when I tried to pull myself back together.

Over that summer, I hadn't drank a sip of anything other than water or coffee, nor taken anything besides Advil after a hard earned headache.

That's also when I started exercising daily. I've always been insecure (as every female on the face of this earth is) and I wasn't going to take it. New school. New me. Right?

My past time was spent mindlessly walking around the woods, downtown, anywhere and everywhere, just to get in some extra miles to make sure I wasn't slacking off again.


After a while, mindlessly walking is a bad habit of mine, because I didn't even see the lecture hall that my class was held in fly by my peripherals. I hadn't noticed until my phone read 7:58. Shit.

I swivel my body around to recognise my settings, trying to remember where the hell my class was being held and how I was going to get there on time.

I'm not a "teacher's pet" by any means, but it's the first day of classes and I do NOT want to get on my teacher's bad side by being late.... not just yet.

I locate the white, pillar shielded building far to my left and run. And I mean far. I know I look stupid, my backpack flopping about, panting, almost eating shit aproxamitly 3 times. But again, I wasn't going to be late.

Finally making it to the door, I stand there, basking in the gorgeous architecture of the building while trying to catch what breath I had left.

I squat down and rest my hand on my knees, trying to pull myself together. I do NOT want my new classmates to see my struggling to breathe from a run. In my defense, It was quite far. "Jesus fucking christ." I manage to pant out.

Just as I push those words out of my mouth, a man, not ripped, but not too large either comes up to my side, mirroring my breath and position and gives me a smile.

"Got lost too?" he asks, looking over to meet my eyes. His words have a slight giggle to them.

I just nod and smile back.

He puts his hand out next to my side after rising from our 'out of shape' resting position.

"Nick," he says.


"I'm Nick."

"Oh." Well, no shit Mae. "Maeson. Mae for short." I respond, taking his hand and shaking it weakly.

Nick lets go of my hand after a second and looks down at his watch and tips his head back.

"A minute late." He looks back at me. I just noticed how green his eyes were. Almost as bright as mine.

"What do you say we head inside." I say, meeting his eyes again, still a little breathless, but not terribly noticeable. I flipped my hair back with one hand to get the thin, wavy hair out of my face.

He just nods and steps towards the large white door in front us. Grabbing the handle, he swings the door out and motions his hands through the doors with an elegant flare, signifying that I should go inside. "M'lady."

I roll my eyes with a smile as I step through the doors, Nick following not far behind me.

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A/N: HOW'D YOU LIKE THIS CHAPTER! I have some big plans for this fic and I'm so excited to share it with this world full of you beautiful humans :)

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