Kim Namjoon

27 1 0

"I'm so scared, Joonie." "I know, but, babe, there's nothing to worry about!" You were scared because of a tornado warning in your area, and everyone around you knows that you don't do good with storms. You had been crying in RM's shirt because you were so scared. RM was trying to comfort you, but it wasn't helping. You and been sitting in the bathroom of your two bedroom, one bath apartment, with a small living room and a tiny kitchenette for about thirty minutes. You had just been waiting for either a tornado to start, or the warning to be lifted. "Wanna watch some Netflix on my phone?" Joonie asks. "Okay," you answer. "What should we watch?" "Um, I dont know, maybe some Friends?" "Ooh, good choice, that sounds really good right now." You got situated in the bathtub, and after about thirty minutes of watching your show, you found that Joonie had fallen asleep. You wanted to wake him up, but decided against it because he looked so cute and peaceful, and because you knew that he was really tired from being at the studio so much. You continued watching your show, and after a while, you decided to change it to The Office. After another ten minutes Joonie woke up, and soon after, the tornado warning was lifted. You got out of the bathroom and decided to take a nap after everything that went on that day. You woke up to RM standing over you and pinching your cheek, and telling you that he made supper. You asked what, and he said steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, and his mom's famous macaroni and cheese from scratch. Typical Joonie. The best boyfriend in the world. You head downstairs to eat, and it was delicious. You thank him, and he asks if you want to go to the movie theater. You say yes, so you get ready and get in the car to leave. Once you get there, you get popcorn and slushies, and watch a movie called Toy Story 3. It was one of your favorite movies, which you guessed was why RM wanted to bring you here in the first place. After you got back from the theater, you got ready for bed. You get in bed, and Joonie kisses you. You kiss him back. "I love you," Joonie says. "I love you more." You answer. "No, I don't think so" he answers. "Of course I love you more!" This went on for a while until finally you agreed that you both loved each other equally. You actually go to sleep this time, but you still know you love him more. You say to yourself that even thought the day was bad at first, it ended up being really fun and good.


Sorry for being so late, I've been really busy lately. Hope you enjoyed it! - Claire

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