My Little Ghost

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(Nene's POV)

"Yashiro? Are you even listening?" Hanako said, which snapped me back to reality. "Uhhh... of course I am!" I said nervously. I didn't want to admit that while I was mopping the floors, I had been thinking about Hanako-Kun. He floated over in front of me, putting his face right in front of mine. I felt heat rush to my cheeks as he grabbed my chin and pulled my face closer. "H-Hanako-Kun... What are y-you doing?" I stampered, feeling the heat in my cheeks grow. He looked at me calmly. He studied me for a moment and then broke into a seductive grin. I looked back at him, confused. My mind went to him kissing him and the corner of my mouth quirked up. He looked down at my lips when Kou-Kun burst into the room. "Guys! There's something wron-" He broke off at the sight of us so close. He ran up to us and pulled Hanako-Kun off of me and started yelling at him. I stood there, frozen. I almost kissed Hanako. Or did he almost kiss me? I stared at the two boys that stood in front of me. Kou-Kun was flustered and was yelling at Hanako-Kun about "being too close to senpai". Hanako, on the other hand, wasn't paying any attention, he was starring at me, grinning. I felt my heart skip a million beats. Once Kou-Kun was finished with Hanako, he cleared his throat loudly. "As I was saying, there's something wrong again." I glanced at Hanako-Kun and noticed that he was looking out the window. He looked kinda sad, I thought. I shook my head. Priorities, Nene, I thought. Keep your thoughts on the matter at hand. "Well, what happened?" I asked, worried. "There has been disappearances happening all day! And it turns out that all of them were couples. I saw it happen just a little while ago! Right before I came here." He shot Hanako a look before continuing. "Akemi-Kun and Yua-Kun were sitting in the art room next to me, holding hands, and then they just faded out of existence!" I gasped and felt a pang of worry. "Couples disappearing, huh? Well, this sounds like The Broken Lover. Nikushimi, she was murdered by her lover in the art room and gets angry every time she sees a couple. At least that's the rumor." Hanako said as he floated over to me. "We're going to have to go there, aren't we?" I said exasperatedly. Kou-Kun started running out of the room yelling that he had to check something. I stared at him as he ran out, confused. Hanako floated up side down in front of me, our faces level. "You ready to go and fight a new apparition?" He said as he drifted a little closer to me. My cheeks turned pink and I felt my heart flutter. "Yes, Hanako-Kun!" I smiled at him, hoping that he would stay close for a little while longer. He stayed there a moment, watching me as I stared at him. He drifted down and flipped himself up right. He grabbed my wrist and started floating out of the bathroom, dragging me with him. "Well then, lets go!"


I'm sorry if this is bad, I'm not that good at writing. And this is my first HanaNene fanfic. Anyways, hope you liked it!


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