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"Come back to me please" I heard her whisper. I had felt a rush of warmth on my cheek just a moment ago. I had been pulled out of the fictional world almost as fast as I had been pulled into it. She had kissed m- NO! NOT NOW, HANAKO! FOCUS ON THE TASK AT HAND! I shook my head, getting rid of the fake world in my head. I knew that I was as red as a tomato, but I pushed the thought away, focusing on Nikushimi. A wicked grin was spread across her face, making her look sadistic. I pulled out my knife, holding it in a way so that the moonlight would reflect on it. I gave her a sadistic grin. Her grin faltered and her eyes flicked over at Yashiro nervously. Her mistake. I bolted forward, (sadly) letting go of Yashiro. I flicked my knife up, leaving a small scratch on her cheek. "Hello~" I said, I heard a slight squeal from the other side of the room. I kept my eyes glued on Nikushimi, I was all too familiar with that voice. It was Yashiro. My grin deepened. "Why don't you stand still for a moment, please?" I said, letting a slight seductive tone slide into my voice. I could physically FEEL Yashiro cooing. I moved the knife down to her neck, not touching her, but close enough that she cringed away from it. I held the knife down against her neck. Yashiro, can you go get some hot water? That's her weakness. If you pour it on her, she'll show her true form." I said looking at Nikushimi with the sadistic grin still playing on my lips. "Isn't that right, Nikushimi?" I said, once again letting a seductive tone slip into my voice. "O-ok-kay! I'll be right back Hanako-Kun!" She studdered. She quickly left the room, a cup in her hand that she got from a desk. 

(Nene's POV)

I had a huge blush that was spread across my face, thanks to Hanako. I flushed even deeper at the thought of him. I rushed over to a bathroom, and filled the cup. I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. The blush was still there and my face was hot. I studied my features, sighing again. How can he love ME? I'm just a stupid diakon. My thoughts drifted to what Nikushimi had said to me. 'Unless the one he loves steps in and stops it.' I almost dropped the cup I had. Oh my God, I thought. What am I going to do now? He loves me, apparently. But she never said how he loves me, though! He could just love me like a friend. I sighed sadly at the thought, stopping the water. I love him too, but what if he doesn't like me back? I made my way into the room again with the cup in hand. I walked over to Hanako and Nikushimi. "Throw it on her." Hanako said seductively. I felt myself blush even more before lifting the cup up a little. I looked up at Hanako, and then threw the water on the woman. She screeched, then shrank down to a girl around my age. She had bright blue eyes that were covered in tears and slightly curled brown hair. She cringed away from me and sat in the corner of the room. "All we need now is to change her rumor." Hanako said, standing next to me. I looked over at him. He was watching me. I blushed and sputtered out an idea for the rumor. Hanako looked at me, pleased. I smiled shyly. The girl stood up, wiping her tears away. She looked a me for a moment before looking at Hanako. We both stared at her, surprised. "You both have a stronger bond than any couple I have seen. What's your secret?" I froze and my heart stopped. "Wh-what? We're not a c-couple!" I said, embarrassed. Hanako looked at me, amused. "Well, I guess we better get going." Hanako said, smiling. 

*Time skip to two days later bc I'm lazy af*

I smiled as I walked into the bathroom, exited to see Hanako. I felt a hand clasp mine, and as I turned to see who it was, I was pushed against the wall. I gasped in surprise. I felt myself blush as my eyes met with the eyes of the apparition I loved. Hanako.


Okay~ so there may or may not be some smut coming in the next chapter. I don't know yet, but I'm just going to go ahead and warn you. Also, sorry if this was bad or cringy, I tried. Ant who~ Hope you enjoyed!


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