Chapter 1

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~Hajimes POV~

I dont want to get up.
I have nothing to look forward to. This school is for the most talented students. Your basically a celebrity to even get in. However I got in by pure luck. I have no purpose there. I think its one other person and I who got in by the lottery. I dont know who the other student is. Wait... somethings wrong- FUCK IM LATE! I rush out of bed and dash to my bathroom. I quickly snatched my toothbrush from the counter along with the toothpaste. Prepping my toothbrush I run out of the bathroom to my wardrobe and grab my uniform. I rushed around my room getting ready for class(you know, the one I already missed half of). When I finally finished I bolted out of my apartment and to School. I noticed another student was running next to me. He had sickly pale skin with white hair that almost looked peach at the ends. His gray eyes looked panicked. He always sat in the back of the classroom. I think his name was Komaeda? I dont really know. It doesn't matter right now though. We finally make it to the classroom door, gasping for air. "Holy shit." The white haired boy panted out. I just chuckled. We walk in to class together earning getting some weird looks. I apologize to the teacher for my tardiness and quickly walk to my usual seat.

~Nagitos POV~
I set my bag down and sit quietly in my chair waiting for this class to end. I overslept again. I have been late the last few days so Im use to the looks of disappointment from my peers. That other kid who was late seemed worried though. "Komaeda and Hinata, see me after class." the teacher said sternly, snapping me out of my thoughts. 'Hinata'... interesting name. The bell rang signaling students to go to their next class. I stood up and tried to sneak out. I was so close to success when I felt a hand land firmly in the middle of my chest, stopping me in my tracks. My shoulders drop in disappointment. "Nagito where do you think your going?" Mrs. Yukizome said annoyed. "Aw come on Miss I really thought my luck would get me out of this one." I said innocently while smiling towards her. I finally give up arguing and sit back down. The boy next to me seemed terrified. " You were both extremely late but then happened to arrive at the same time. Care to explain?" she almost yelled. Hinata shuddered trying to find an explanation. I laughed loudly. "Miss we weren't together if thats what your implying. I saw him in the halls on my way to class. Thats all." I said leaning back in my chair. "As for the same time thing... that was just luck." I muttered while watching her walk to her desk. She is very obviously pissed off. She scribbled on something then got back up and stomped over, handing each of us a detention slip. "Fuck." Hinata muttered. Her eyes darted at him. "Hajime Hinata do you care to repeat that?" she said staring at him like a psycho. she waved us off and we both quickly got up and left. "Man what a bitch!" I sighed out when we got far enough away from the classroom. "God I know right!" he responded back. He seemed relieved.
The day sped by a little to fast and it was finally time for my long awaited detention. I sluggishly walk towards the classroom I will be stuck in for the next hour of my useless life. After I waist my life in detention I will go home to my huge fucking apartment were only I live. I dont even have any friends to bring over. Its pathetic really. The odd looking kids parents died in front of him and the rest of his relatives found him too repulsive to let tag along. I grew up alone and am still as repulsive and useless as ever. Im garbage. Why does trash like me have to exist. I finally make it to the classroom. I reach for the handle but stop. Why dont I just skip. I take my hand away but right as im about to walk away the door opens. "Komaeda are you going to stand out here like an idiot or are you going to come in?" Chisa Yukizome, our teacher, says in a false cheery voice. I sigh and walk in sitting down in the back. Hajime soon comes in very clearly upset and sits down next to me. He looks to emotional to mess with right now so I leave him alone. I wonder what happened?

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