The Cure

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You're lucky you're going to your new home...

Hinata smiled while saying those words.

Yeah, I will miss the orphanage. But we're going to see each other again right shorty?

Yes, of course you softie beanpole hehehe, I know! let's promise that one day we will find each other and stay together!

The orange boy pulled his pinky finger and smile at the taller male.

Tch... I Promise that one day I will find tangerine and stay with him when I grow up.

Hehe.. Ok I Hinata Shoyo promise that I will find and stay with this living salt K-

Hinata wake up from the sound of his alarm, irritated as he get up from the same dream. He wash his face and look at his own reflection in the mirror.

The same dream again...This is the 7th time that I dreamt about that blond guy, wait K, is that the first letter of his name? I didn't even know what he look like... At least I know his hair color, I know that his my childhood friend.. Ehh!? Hinata what kind of friend are you! You don't even know what your friend look like,*sigh* well, still have six months to find the cure and make my promise come true.

Shoyo! Breakfast is ready! You're gonna be late for your trip to Miyagi!

Hinata was startled at Kiyoko-san's voice, so he hurriedly go downstairs and eat breakfast with Kiyoko-san and Tanaka-senpai.

Shoyo? Are you sure that the cure you're talking about is effective? What if it's not true? You know the flower thing is just an article in an unknown website right? What if something happens to you while you're finding the flower?

Tanaka, babe calm down, you always ask him that, and even if we convince him to stay you know his answer right? It's his decision so let's just respect it, okay? And beside Nishinoya is there to look for him. Now, let's eat shall we?

Tanaka let out a sigh of defeat and eat, while Kiyoko is smiling at his boyfriend but had a sad eyes. After they ate Shoyo showered, put some clothes, and prepare for the trip to Miyagi.

Hinata be looking like this:

Before Hinata can leave Kiyoko give him a lunch or bento box for his trip and bid their goodbye

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Before Hinata can leave Kiyoko give him a lunch or bento box for his trip and bid their goodbye.

Before Hinata can leave Kiyoko give him a lunch or bento box for his trip and bid their goodbye

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