Shy moment 2/3/15

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'Yes get see her!' I thought switching jackets. "Grandma I'm going to the lake!" I yelled texting her. "Better not get in trouble" she said 'yea I'm going go run around shirtless' I thought with a laugh

- WouldYouCryIfIDiedToday: Walking through ppls yards like OK p

- Her'sSugerPlum: omw

I drop the kindle and run outside excited. Running thought this person yard and fell. 'Ouch damnit' for getting I fell running to the lake. I walked to the pipe shyly "Hey what you doing?" An old Man said "nothing" he walked away. I sit on the tree. I see a figure 'is that her?' I thought then it stop moving. About 5 mins it move into the woods. 'She probably not coming...' I thought.

Shortly after a girl come out and sit on the edge. Blond hair blue shirt black shoes. ' Its hee!' I wanted run to her... one problem there a lake/river blocking that. It too cold to swim right now but I could get on the pipe. 'What happen if that not her?' I kept saying. 'Got to be. She look as cute as her' about 15 Mins looking at her I was sure I was blushing I could stop smiling the whole time she get up and leaves. I run home.

- Her'sSugerPlum: There is girl with blond hair and blue shirt that looked really cold. I wanted jump in and cuddle her.

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