Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The four sat at the table awaiting Malachi to tell them of these things. The sky was dark with a bright, pale moon in the sky, shining with an eerie, almost ancient light that seemed fitting for the occasion. There was but one torch in the room that cast flickering shadows on the wall. Only half of Malachi’s face was visible due to the fact that the light of the fire only shined on half of his face. His eyes filled with an excited grief, like he was proud of a sad tale. The four sat on the edge of their seats in anxiety.

“Finally, we will know the truth,” thought Ezra.

“This better be worth it,” thought Jezreel.

“This will be interesting,” thought Josiah.

Caiaphas thought nothing.

“I’m sure that all of you have been wondering why I have been training you and disciplining you for so long,” said Malachi.

“How could you have guessed that?” Jezreel remarked sarcastically.

“Hush Jezreel!” exclaimed Josiah. “Let him speak. This may be interesting.” Jezreel crossed her arms, but said nothing.

“Thank you, Josiah,” said Malachi. “And this will be interesting, as well as it will change your lives. You see, you are all about to embark on a journey. Or at least Ezra will.”

“Why me?” asked Ezra.

“That will come shortly,” answered Malachi. “For now, let me tell you a story. You all know that when the moon is up it’s day time, and when it’s down it’s night time. It used to not be like that. There used to be something called a sun. It was like a giant torch in the sky from what I was told. However it hasn’t shined its light on Balasque for over a thousand years. They say that life was so much better with it. It was warmer, brighter, plants grew healthier, and people even grew better.”

“Malachi, have you been buying some heavy drink while in Vernon?” asked Ezra with a puzzled look on his face. The others agreed as to how this was crazy. Caiaphas believed him however, since Caiaphas claimed to have seen this sun.

“No, I am sober. Do you remember when Caiaphas went on and on about something called a sun?” Everyone thought for a minute, and agreed that they remember laughing at him.

“Well, he was right. You see, the sun still exists, just not on Balasque.”

“Why not?” asked Josiah, who was skeptic of this notion. “If it exists, why doesn’t it exist here?”

“That’s where the terrible part of the story begins, as well as where Ezra’s journey begins. About twelve thousand years ago, the sun still shone on Balasque. The kingdom was ruled by a king named Tiberius. The king was plagued with a terrible disease, and was only a few months from death. He had two sons, though none of them were worthy to be the next king after Tiberius died, so he planned on giving the kingdom to his beloved wife, Hananiah. However his advisor, Amadeus, thought otherwise. He believed he should be king. After all, he had been the king’s advisor for forty years. He knew just as much about how to run the kingdom as Tiberius did, If not more.

“My lord,” said Amadeus to the king one day, “I have served you faithfully for forty years. Other than you, no one knows more of this land than I. Please, for the sake of the people, allow me to be your successor. Give me the throne after you pass. The king was almost disappointed in his request.

“My friend, you are very wise in your words,” said Tiberius. “However, you are not of royal blood. You also doubt my wife’s ability to rule. You have good intentions, but you are wrong. My wife will rule well.”

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