The Dark Wood Circus Prank

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We being with Izuku making some preparations in the forest

Izuku: Ok move it to the left no the other left your ahhh fuck

Fuka: sorry dad you ok

As a steal rod struck Izuku's toe

Izuku: yeah but oh my god that hurts worse than your mother ripping my junk off

Fuka: are you joking or

Izuku: I what do you think Fuka

Fuka: with you I don't want to know

Izuku: thank you now here let's put it like this ah there we go the tent is all done

Haku: hey Izuku we got the cages and the stands done

Izuku: great costumes and makeup ready

Miku: yeah we just got down with the twins

Rin: Len fuck off

Len: no put on the nose

Izuku: shut up or I will personally humiliate you both with your secrets so get ready because this is a music video

Len and Rin: Yes Sir

Izuku: Meiko you got the food

Meiko: yeah Gakupo is making dinner also Dex your going to be with Gakupo at the party same with teto
And you will see fuka come and ask for help and when you leave you will scream and the students will come and see the and go into the tent Luka your using a oh my

Luka: I am a god damn person tuned mermaid who made that decision

As everyone points to Len as bot Rin and run being chased by Luka

Izuku: you have the water patch right Luka

Luka: what

Izuku: you need to breath under water

Luka: I don't know

Izuku: hold still

As Izuku pulls out his P.E.T which is his personal terminal and puts it into Luka's jack in port on her neck as he downloaded the water patch and same with everyone else

Izuku: Neto you living with us full time I hope

Monama: yeah I missed living with you guys

Hitoshi: it's good to have you back but now your out little bro since the boss is marrying your sister

As Monama pulls out a gun as Izuku grabs miku as a shield

Miku: coward

Izuku: I am ...... my

As Izuku passed out as he was in his Kaito form as he was then restrained in a straitjacket and has a blue collar on him with the tag saying property of Hatsune Miku and on the other side it says Kaito as he is also gaged and put into a cage also mind you he is in quirk restraints so he can't use his quirk

Miku: that was taken care of big bro help me with the boots

As they were goat boots that made mikus legs look like they were from a goat

Soon everything was ready as Hitoshi Monama teto and Meiko head back to the house and prepare everything there as it was sun set as the classes arrived as most of the house was blocked of by walls as they all went to the back yard where the party started

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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