new girl (1)

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y/n pov

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y/n pov

"everyone this is y/n. please make her feel welcomed and comfortable in this new environment." mr. rengoku gestured for me to sit in an empty desk in the back of the classroom. next to me was a girl with long dark hair that faded to an orange color. "hey! i'm nezuko. it's nice to meet you y/n!"

"it's nice to meet you too, nezuko!" the girls voice was sweet and kind. she smiled at me before we both turned to the front of the class and listen to mr. rengokus lesson.

fast forward to lunch brought to you by author's hunger —>

the cafeteria was packed. everyone was in their own gangs and huddles, while i was stuck looking for somewhere to eat my lunch in peace. it felt awkward being the new girl, the only one who didn't have any friends to go to. i was about to run out the cafeteria door and eat my lunch in the classroom when i felt a tap on my shoulder. "hey, you're the new girl right? would you like to sit with my friends and i?" i glanced over my shoulder to see a boy with yellow and orange hair.

"sure!" i replied. i looked over at the table the yellow haired boy pointed to and recognized a familiar face. "hey y/n!" it was nezuko. "oh hey nezuko!" i ran up to her and sat next to her taking out my (favorite food) that i packed for lunch.

i examined everyone sitting at the table, however one guy stood out. it was a boy with long black hair with teal ends. he was quiet, almost like he was avoiding contact with anyone and everyone.

"let me introduce everyone." nezuko said. "this is my brother tanjiro! and next to him is zenitsu." she pointed to a burgundy haired boy and the same yellow haired guy that tapped on my shoulder. "and this is inosuke, he can get kinda loud so ignore him." nezuko pointed at another male. he had black hair that faded to blue and was cut to around shoulder length. "hey! don't talk bad about m-"
"and this is muichiro!" nezuko cut off the loud guy that was shouting and pointed to the boy with long hair that i was staring at earlier.

"nice to meet you all! i'm y/n." i greeted all of them with a kind smile and we continued to eat our lunch and talk about what we learned in class. muichiro never said a word. he was quiet, and just looked out the cafeteria window the whole time. i wonder what he's thinking about. i wanna get to know him more.

go ahead and roast my vocab and grammar mistakes ;) anyways uh i doubt that anyone will read this because i have 0 followers and this is my first fanfic bored so im writing it anyways.
word count - 494

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