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Momo: It's not like that..

Todoroki: I love Momo's soba.

Kaminari: You're just making it worse for Momo.

Momo: 0///O

Todoroki: Are you okay, Yaomomo?

Momo: Extreem blush noises*

Jirou: You made it way worse.

Uraraka: This ship is cute! I ship it!

Mina: My whole army of ships are waiting to sail. Don't take too long, Todomomo!

Shironii: I don't think it will take long.

Midoriya, mumbling: If a create quirk gets mashed up with Todoroki's hybrid quirk, wouldn't it be a hybrid-hybrid? Then the child would have a fire-quirk, ice-quirk and create-quirk...

Mina: So what do you think of having kids, ehh? My army of ships are still waiting!

Todoroki: We aren't going to do that right?

Momo: ...

Iida: You both are still 2 years too young to be doing that.

Kaminari: What's that?

Shironii: Something that you and Jirou are destined to do.

Mina: Intense nodding*

Jirou: nO.

Kaminari: WHAT'S THAT?

Kirishima: Man you really shouldn't know.

Kaminari: You know it too bro?

Kirishima: ...

Jirou: nO.

Kirishima: Uhhh.. uhm.. taking away your holiness is too much of a sin for me. You're too innocent...

Todoroki: It's sex.


Todoroki: I'm just teaching Kaminari some things he might not know about.

Shironii: Bad things.

Kaminari: So you and Mina are saying that me and Jirou should do that.

Shironii: Well yes

Kaminari: Good idea me and Jirou would do it later!!

Iida: Does he even know the definition of that.

Shironii: He probably thinks sex means identifying one's gender.

Iida: That is accurate.

Mina: Enough of this drama; next!

Shironii: I'm supposed to say that.

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