My birthday!!!!!!!

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(Hey peoples this is my first story so sorry if it sucks comment what you think and like it plzz😁😁 enjoy the story AN: I don't honestly know how old they are so I'm just changing they're age for the story. And if one of them isn't in Magcon or I leave one or two out don't hate me. Thanks.😘)

Hi😁 my name is Callie, I'm adopted and I am in love with all the guys from Magcon. My birthday is in a couple of weeks and I'm turning sixteen. My brother is Shawn Mendes so I might get to meet the guys some day.

~Callie's pov~
September 7

My birthday is tomorrow and I'm so excited I can't sit still😁 Shawn says he has a big surprise for me and I really want to know what it is. I can't wait till tomorrow.
"SHAWWWNNN!!!!!" I called.
"What do you want?" Shawn responded walking up from the basement.
"Will you PLEEEEEEASE just give me the gift today?? My birthday is only tomorrow." I begged
"Nope" he replied popping the "p".
"Why not" I wined.
"Because it's not here yet" he replied.
"Oh" I said, "so it has to get here eh😏"
"I've said too much" Shawn replied running upstairs.
"No!!!!!! SHAWN!!!!!" I screamed as he went into his room. I opened his door quietly as he was looking through his closet I jumped on his back and he screamed like a little girl. I fell on the ground laughing.
"THAT'S NOT FUNNY CALLIE!!!!!!"he wined. I got up able to breathe again,
"I thought it was pretty funny"
"Get out"
"Fine. Gosh someone didn't get enough beauty sleep" I mocked as I ran out of his room and slammed the door before he could hurt me.

~Shawn's pov~
September 8

Today is Callie's birthday and I'm going to surprise her by saying that she gets to come with me to Magcon. I can't wait to see her reaction. I made her some pancakes(because they were her favorite) for breakfast and then went to wake her up.
"RISE AND SHINE BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!!!!!!" I shouted as I stormed into her room.
"Go away!!!!!!" She shouted back. I decided to bring down the hammer.
"Fine then I guess I'll just eat your pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate sauce on them"
"IM UP!!!! I'm up. Now about those pancakes" she said as she was running down the stairs. I was going to surprise her later tonight with her birthday surprise.

~Callie's pov~

Shawn told me to go get dressed and wear something nice cause he was going to give me my surprise now. I decided to wear a pink floral dress that came just below my knees and some pink high heels. I walked downstairs and Shawn was dressed quite nicely so I decided to make fun of him.
"Why don't you look absolutely ravishing" I commented laughing.
"Why thank you m'lady. You don't look that bad yourself" he replied. We Walked out of the house and got into his car. And off we go.

~Shawn pov~

I decided to go ahead and invite all the guys to meet her before Magcon. She didn't know it so as we were approaching where they were I had told her to cover her eyes.
"Why?" She questioned.
"Because I said so. And NO peeking. It will ruin the surprise." I replied
"Awe" she pouted "your no fun"and gave me her puppy dog face.
"Just cover your eyes. We're almost here"
"UGHHHHH!! Fine" she whined as she covered her eyes. As we got closer she started getting whiney asking every two seconds if we were there yet and then we got there.
"Are we there yet?" She asked again
"Yes" I replied
"Yep but don't open your eyes just yet." I'm going to go ahead and call Cameron and let him we're here. She loves Cameron the most and quite frankly she looks a little like him. So I called him when she was obviously eavesdropping. And he picked up.
"Hello?" He asked
"Hey bro" I replied
"Duuuude!!!!!! Are you almost here?! Me and the guys can't wait to meet your little sister."
"Yea were here. And she's your age and the funny thing is that she has the same birthday as you and looks almost exactly like you!!!"
"Ok really? well where are you?"
"I'm coming in right now and dude didn't you say your mom had another kid that was your twin too? And just saying she doesn't know that your here" he was quiet. I stepped out of the car and it was obvious she was trying so hard to listen so I stepped farther away from the car.
"And dude she's absolutely in love with you so if she faints when she sees you don't worry that much. She's always bugging me to let her come with me so I decided for her sixteenth birthday that she should come so you know. And absolutely no falling in love with her. I'm talking to you Hayes"
"why me?!?!?! I've never done anything wrong." He replied.
"Well your kinda a flirt so just saying."
"Alright well we're coming in. See ya in a few." I took her out of the car and started walking her towards the park and she ran into a bench. I laughed and said
"Watch where your going" To that she replied
"watch your back if you ever do that again"
" And you say I haven't gotten enough sleep lately"
"Shut up" she snapped. When we got there i signaled for the guys to go. Cameron started singing and Callie started dancing. She said
"Wow this CD sound like he's right in front of me"

~Callie's pov~

"Wow this CD sounds like he's right in front of me." I said. I heard the singing stop and Cameron's adorable laugh and pulled Shawn's hands away from my eyes. And started having trouble breathing. Not even kidding.
" in...." was all I could get out before everything went black.

~Cameron's pov~

Shawn had said that she was a fan but I didn't believe him when he'd said that she'd pass out in front of me. Shawn tried to carry her but couldn't so he gave her to me. She woke up in the car and her head was against my chest and I had my hands around her waist to support her. She didn't open her eyes so she didn't know it was me holding her.
"Shawn?" She said kinda tired like
"Yes Callie?" He replied
"When did you get so buff?" She asked
"I've always been buff what are you talking about"
"Yea but not this buff" and then Taylor started bursting out laughing.
"TAYLOR!!!!!!!" Shawn screamed
"What?!?! I couldn't help it."he replied
"Wait......" Callie replied "I know that voice. That's not just any Taylor... that's Taylor Caniff!!!!!!" She screamed without even opening her eyes
"Wait" she says again "if Taylor Caniff is here then.... Who's holding me???" She opens her eyes and saw Me and then screamed. When she finished all they guys were complaining. It was the loudest highest thing I've ever heard.
"Was that really necessary?" I complained
"Yea." She said "yea it was"

(AN: just wanted to say thanks again for not stopping after the first sentence😂 don't forget comment and let me know what you think thanks buttercups😘😘ily)

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