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So I Got to go home two weeks ago. I don't remember anyone except Cameron. I think Shawn is really cute. I wonder if he's my boyfriend??? I'm gonna ask him.
"SHAWNNNNNNN" i yelled loudly
"CALLIEEEEEEEEE" He yelled equally loud
"I was wondering... are you like my boyfriend or something cause you seemed really depressed when you thought I died."
He looked at my face real serious like and then burst out laughing. I looked at him like he was crazy.
"Was it something I said?" I asked
"No..." he said still laughing. "Your my sister. My mom adopted you when you were a baby..." Then I burst out laughing
"I guess I just thought you were really hot and I thought that you were my boyfriend because you were crying." We just kept on laughing.
"So Shawn..." I started "tell me about yourself."
"Well I'm a vine famous singer and I'm also in this thing called magcon it's where me and all the boys downstairs just get up on stage and do stupid things for entertainment."
"I'm glad you are my brother. You seem really cool. So can you sing me one of your songs? Just the chorus."
"Okay... I'll sing one called strings. just let me get my guitar." He went out of the room and within seconds he was back with a guitar and started strumming and singing.

"Darling I want all the strings attached... I love it when you look at me like that... Your the only girl that brings me back.. Baby I want all the strings attached... It's like always and forever... Won't let a moment pass... and when I'm with you I feel better... I want all the strings... all the strings attached"

When he finished that song I asked him
"can you strum the chorus to another songs not sing just strum. "
"Umm yeah okay I'll do never be alone." He started strumming and I started singing

"So take a piece of my heart and make it all your own so when we are apart you'll never be alone"

He looked at me and started crying.
"What was that" he asked "i didn't think you had your memory..."
"Neither did I. But when you started strumming I remembered it." I was so happy.


So I remember Callie loving 5 seconds of summer and one direction when she had her memory and she always dreamed of meeting them. What she never knew was I was close personal friends to both of them so to help get her memory back in bringing both of the bands in at the same time I'm also not telling the boys or mahogany about this. I can't wait to see their reactions. They're coming today. Mikey texted me and said they were here. So I was gonna let someone else open the door. I heard a girly scream and a thud and ran downstairs. When Calum looked at me and said
"I thought you said Callie was a girl?" We all laughed.
"She is. that's Taylor Caniff. He's a fan too as you can see." I got closer to Harry and said
"Between you and me I think that he's gay for you" he laughed pulled Louis over and said
"Sorry but I'm taken" with a smirk then put his hand on Louis butt. That's when mahogany got home and opened the door and said
"Guys I- " then we all went deaf "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" keep in mind Harry and Louis were still being all Larry Stylinson on us. She looked at Harry and Louis and then looked down where they had each other's hands on each other's butts and she screams
"I SHIP IT" And runs up to go put her clothes away. Then Callie comes down stairs and said
"What's with all the screaming?" And then she sees the boys she looks shocked then she says
"Shawny? Who are these people?" She asked I looked upset then she looked at Harry and Louis and said "guys I ship Larry Stylinson 100%" all the guys except the bands screamed loudly.
"Hang on" I went to get my guitar and gave it to Michael and whispered
"Can you strum the beginning to amnesia?" He looked confused but agreed. He started strumming and I don't think she realized but Callie started singing

"I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted... I thought about our last kiss how it felt the way you tasted"

Then she looked up and screamed
"AGGHHGAGAHAHFJOCOSJTOVKANNSNTKIISKJENTKGOVKSKNRHMCKSKNFOXKAJNGKGKCKDKDKDK" I think she was trying to say something but couldn't. When she finally got her voice back she leaned over to the nearest person in the room not knowing it was Calum Hood her favorite member of the band and said
"Is it just me or are 5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction in my living room??" He smiled and said
"Princess it's no dream" she looked over an f started looking like she was gonna faint so JJ screamed
so Calum caught her right as she fell and out her on the couch. She woke up and screamed Calum went over to her and said
"Hey princess what's wrong?"
"Well I ha- OMG IT WASNT A DREAM!!!!!! Can I have you guys numbers please?"
"Sure" they all replied they exchanged numbers and then they got on their way. I went over to Callie to see if se had her memory fully recovered
"Callie tell me the first thing you did on your first day of school" immediately she replied
"YESSSSSSSSSSSS GURL YOU GOT YO MEMORY BACKKKKKKKKKK" We spent the rest of the night celebrating. It was a great day. Apparently "Amnesia" cures amnesia. Hahah I'm funny.... No? Okay😢

BUTTERCUPSSSSSS YOU GUYS ARE THE BESTEST BUTTERIEST THINGS EVER!!!!! YOU GOT ME TO 1.03K ON THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOUUUUUUYYU.... okay I'm not screaming now. But anyway I might not be able to update any this week because my church is doing a vacation bible school and I am being a group leader so I'll be pretty busy. But OKAYYYYYY IM GONNA GOIOI *says in Connor voice* but seriously guys thank you so so much I can't thank you enough. Can we try to get my other stories this much read too? All right I'm really leaving this time. Love ya butter cups. Stay buttery. Byeeeeeee

Hold up... I'm Cameron Dallas's twin sister?!?!Where stories live. Discover now