14- skin and bones

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tw/ eating disorders, starvation,

if anyone is going through this, please please do not be hesitant to reach out and ask for help, even if it is just a simple dm to me or a friend we will help you. we got this. we're in this together and we will fight this together! i love you. you're not alone.

you and dom sat on the couch, watching the same rom coms that had always been provided on your tv. dom had his hand running up and down your back, causing shivers and goosebumps to arise from underneath your smooth skin.

it had been hot in the living room, too. but you didn't want to say anything. you had hoped he didn't notice the sweat that was beginning to form on your back.

you hoped you were sweating internally though.

"love? are you hot?" dom whispered, trying not to mute the rom com in the background. you shook your head. "that's a lie. i can feel the little bits of sweat on your back. go ahead, you can take this off." he said, lifting up the ends of your hoodie.

you shook your head vigorously and stood up to walk to the bathroom to try and avoid the situation.

"babe stop!" he demanded. you turned around to look at him, a little afraid when he was more dominant towards you.

you look down and walk towards him and he takes the edges of your hoodie, lifting it above your head to reveal your ribs sunken into your skin.

his eyes fell to the ground. "i knew it." he looked back up at you. "when was the last time you ate?" his voice broke.

you didn't answer the question, hoping he'd take the hint that you hadn't ate for a while, and 'my stomach is hurting' wasn't the real reason you didn't dinner.

"fuck, love." he said standing up and pacing around the room with his hands in his hair "this is all my fault."

"it's not-"

"but it is!" he interrupted you. "i should've known something was wrong and i was too stupid to see it! you've been hurting yourself and my dumb ass didn't know it!"

you looked up to meet his eyes, diverting them originally from the marble floor and expecting to look into his iris colored eyes but instead, you got tear filled ones.

"no i didn't mean to-"

dom shook his head which immediately cut off your talking. "i should've known."

"but i was hidi-"

"i don't fucking care!" he yelled.

you backed down immediately, and he seemed to notice the change of feeling in the room.

"i'm not mad at you, i'm mad at myself for not realizing what was happening sooner! i'm your boyfriend for fucks sake! i should've noticed when something was wrong when you started to complain about how your stomach was hurting all the time and you couldn't eat because of it." he said, looking up to the ceiling as his voice is was cracking, at this point, the tears in his eyes were overflowing. "i- i should've realized sooner what was happening to you. it could've been too late if i didn't find out now."

those words broke you. you got up from your chair and wrapped your arms around his neck. he wrapped his arms around your waist and picked you up, sitting back down on the chair with you.

he began to cry in your shoulder, your shirt beginning to dampen. you didn't mind though, you knew he needed it as much as you did, considering he went through mental health issues as well and these things could trigger his past.

you began to cry too, realizing how much this sweet boy cared for you and your well being. "i'm so sorry." you whispered through your tears.

he shook his head and looked up at you. "don't be sorry for feeling the way you do." he kissed your lips. "you're gorgeous. don't change for anyone or anything."

you nodded. "i love you."

"i love you too." he said kissing you once more. "now what'd ya say we get dom something to eat?"

 𝘠𝘜𝘕𝘎𝘉𝘓𝘜𝘋 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now