3- wanted

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tw/ mentions of murder, yelling

dominic had been acting off recently.

after a murder had been announced on the news a few days ago, he was acting distant and not as close to you as he usually was.

he stopped going to his management meetings to record his music, which was completely unusual for him considering the fact that no matter what mood he we in, going to the studio to record would always make him feel better.

you tried to talk to him about it and make sure he was okay but he kept ignoring your questions and shrugging it off with an "i'm okay." and told you to stop worrying.

you had enough of it, and confronted him about it in the kitchen when you were cooking dinner.

"alright dominic." you said throwing the towel onto the counter and leaning against it while the pan on the stove was simmering. "what is wrong?"

you only called him dominic when you were mad, and the reason you were mad was because he wasn't telling you what was wrong, and you know he gets in his head a lot.

"nothi-." he began to speak as you cut him off.

"don't tell me it's nothing because something is obviously fucking going on. you keep denying it when i can tell that something is bothering you." you snapped.

dom sighed. he knew he got caught.

he walked out of the house, and slammed the door before you even got the chance to follow him.

you threw your apron on the counter and stormed off after him, not even bothering to put any shoes on.

"dominic!" you said running after him. your head felt like it was on fire, literally fuming. you didn't understand why dominic wasn't telling you what was wrong, considering he was fairly open with you most of the time about his feelings. you didn't even care that
you left the pan simmering, he was only a few feet down the sidewalk anyway and you would go home in a few minutes if he was quick to tell you what was wrong.

dom stopped, and as you were just about a few feet in front of him, a piece of paper flew in front of your face and landed on the ground in front of you, just a few feet away. you picked it up, being shocked as you read the words printed onto it, following two pictures.


Name: Dominic Harrison and Colson Baker

Wanted for: Participating in the murder of 19 year old Billie Eilish on Thursday, December 10th.

Reward: $26,000

If you have spotted either of the two suspects, contact your local police department.

your eyes widened as you read the bold text, looking up at dom as he had tears in his eyes. "you're a- a criminal?!" you shrieked.

"thats exactly why i didn't wanna say anything because you were going to find out!" he raised his voice.

you were slightly taken back, dom rarely ever raised his voice at anyone and as he did it to you, you became a bit scared of him.

"why didn't you tell me dom?! why did you kill her? you lied to me and told me you were okay yet you were trying to deal with this by yourself?" you started to tear up a bit at the fact that dom was dealing with these feelings alone and he didn't tell you all this time. you understand your boyfriend commited a crime, but that didn't make you love him any less, even though he killed someone. "you told me you're okay and you lied to me."

"i- i thought you would hate me if you found out." he frowned and looked down. you walked up to him and lighten his chin up.

"i could never hate you, pretty boy." you said pecking his cheek. "but i am a bit frazzled that you killed someone. pissed off as well."

let's be real we couldn't hate dom if we tried.

"i didn't kill her though. colson did."


"colson killed her, he just made me cover it up and act like we both did it so he wouldn't get in as much trouble." he confessed, looking down again.

it kind of made sense. you could never imagine dom killing someone, he was so innocent and always wanted the best for people unless they did something so disgusting. in fact he was friends with billie so you weren't sure why he would kill her in the first place. you weren't sure if colson had issues with billie though, that was something you'd have to figure out sooner or later.

"i know you didn't. i thought you did a few minutes ago, but now that you've explained it, it makes sense. i know you'd never hurt someone." you said wiping away the tears on his cheeks.

"y-you're not mad?" he cooed, the raspiness in his voice audible from his crying. you shook your head.

"i'm not mad, honey, i'm just a little worried about you because you'd been dealing with this by yourself. i know you didn't do it, colson did. thank you for explaining it to me." he nodded and looked up at you again.

"you're not breaking up with me right?" he questioned as he saw you walking away from him and back towards the house.
you frowned at the boy, seeing how he'd gone from dominant to fragile in just a matter of minutes.

"of course not honey." you said. "we have to get back to the house before it burns down."

he widened his eyes as he realized what you meant. "shit we left the stove on with the food in it!" he said as he ran in front of you and back to your home.

you loved him, and even though you know he did not commit the murder of billie, you were still worried and feared colson a bit, due to the fact that they were both involved. no matter how much, they each took a part.

 𝘠𝘜𝘕𝘎𝘉𝘓𝘜𝘋 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now