My fresh start

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"If you don't wake up I'll be replacing this pillow with a pan!" I heard someone faintly yell.


There it goes again

I knew who it was but I didn't want to get up. Not when it's my last day of summer and I get to sleep in late.

"Ugh wake up!" the voice becoming clearer as they yanked the blanket off of me.

"Ahhhh! the lightt!!!"right now I felt like a baby vampire experiencing light for their first time and let me just say it doesn't feel so well.

"I warned you!" Abby said, probably feeling no guilt whatsoever what best friends I have (note the sarcasm).

"Fine, I'm up! I'm up!'. I had tried to avoid the thought that I was in a beautiful slumber which was now rudely disturbed.

But it was time to get up now because I had plans with Abby. She texted me yesterday saying if she could help me plan my outfit because she was too bored in her own house and had no plans for today. I'm guessing my parents let her in before they left to work sucks for them. Their vacation days are over due as well as mine.

Me and Abby are planning to go shopping for last minute school supplies(we are procrastinators) then we would meet with Than and go grab a drink.

Abby decided she would go back to our house to get ready for tommorrow.

After I got out of the bathroom I changed into a light purple sundress with white cardigan and white flats. Abby was dressed similarly only with a navy blue strapless sundress and nude flats.

We headed out the door to go to Target.

Me and Abby were literally shoving random things in our carts and ran to the line before it could get any bigger.

After what seemed like hours waiting on lines and searching for clothes , every store we went to looked like Dorothy's home town kansas(after the tornado incident of course).

"Hey girls how's it going!!?" Than yelled while running to me and Abby. He was getting so many dirty looks from white girls in the Starbucks cafe. I don't blame them, it's not like you see a gay guy with pink dyed hair everyday.

He gave me a strong hug. he was probably stronger than me knowing that not only does he dance like me and Abby, but also does gymnastics and polatees.

After they called us to pick up our drinks we walked out of the cafe and said bye to Jonathan.

We drove Than home then back to my house with Abby.


"This?" I said wearing a black dress and a cream cardigan with some pumps.

"Nah too formal for your first day."

"How about this?" This time I was wearing a baby pink polo shirt, a black skirt mid thigh, and pink flats.

"Nope. Too preppy" she said " Plus you look like your trying to hard to fit in with the bitches at school" she rolled her eyes.

"Yikes" So I put on my last outfit planned. Some light washed skinny jeans, my favorite hightop wedges, a loose black muscle tank and a cream cardigan thrown over to cover up.

"Now perfect" Abby said smiling widely.

Lets just hope tommorrow is perfect too.


Hey guys! We just started this book so we would appreciate if you told your friends about it!

P.S : Sorry for misspelled words this is currently under editing

We thought this song fit the chapter really well so go ahead and play it!


May & Bri



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