Try Outs

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Sorry for writers block and not uploading this chapter sooner but honestly were not going to bother finding an excuse but here you go guys or should I say ghosts since none of you ever comment.....please comment :)!

P.S hopefully knowing that I'm currently writing this at 1 in the morning will show you guys how much I care! lol.


"...So make sure you get this done by Friday or else it's detention for a week, and I'm not taking any excuses."

There goes Ms. Albert ranting and nagging us with her usual speeches.
The last time she was complaining for the whole period on how we always waste time. We didnt end up learning anything that day. Oh the irony.

I was thankful to have Than in this class or I would die of boredom. So I sent him a note just to mess with him.

Hey yo than waddup my man wanna go out some time?

I gave it to the person behind me who looked so sleepy and I made sure the paper was sent anonymously to Than. The sleepy guy just nodded.

I turned around and waited a minute to make sure that when Than reads the note and looks around, he won't see me looking and catch me waiting for his reaction.

I turned around at the perfect timing , when I saw Than writing back and smiling a little. You would think he was blushing but he looked more suspicous.

When I got the note back it read:

Well mystery guy why don't you tell me who you are and then maybe we can go out ;)

Woah I thought Than was joking when he said he would take a chance if he got one.

So I played on.

I think I'll keep my name a secret but I will always remember yours.

I spotted him as he received the note and right then, the bell rang. finally.

"Alright remember guys your assignments are due no less than Friday and I will not be tolerating any excuses. and if you plan on sweetening the deal by bribing me that won't work ... " Blah blah blah I rushed out of there and walked to my locker.

Than caught up to me.

"Hey, so I have like um..."

"What's up than?"

"Well it's silly really but like I think ..."

"What kiddo? Spit it out!" This was too funny. Partially because I already knew what he was going to say. and also because hes so bad under pressure. It's a good thing I'm a great actress though.

"Okay so I think I have a secret admirer ..."

"Oh! Do my ears deceive me!? You did not just say what I think you said!"

"Yes, I think I did " he said playing along with an eye roll. This is exactly why he didnt want to tell me. I would mock him. But that's exactly why I did it.

Okay so I do mischevious things when I'm bored, so what. When me and Than are at a near death experience I'll come clean and tell him it was me who sent him the note. Until then the zipper will stay zipped until I speak the truth again.

Than dropped me off at my locker and left me because he knew I had to be at lacrosse try outs with Gavin.

I stopped by Gavin's locker.He showed me it this morning so we could meet up there.

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