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You were yet again, surrounded by your own loud cries.

A baby. A fucking baby. You thought to yourself before losing all memory of what took place only hours ago.

Unknowing to you since you were just a child and had no recollection of your other life, you were born on October 31, 1981. The day your best friend in the whole wide world had died.

This time you were muggle born.

Once you started Hogwarts you met her son and became very good friends with him over time. But since you were a year younger you were closer with Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood from day one. When you first had learned of Voldemort being back a strange feeling grew in your stomach. Every time he was mentioned your whole body felt strange. Almost like some sort of warning.

Anyways you were in your 4th year and were going to meet Harry's godfather, Sirius, along with all of your other friends. He was living in hiding for a crime he didn't commit. When you arrived at the place, Harry informed you it was Sirius' childhood home that he used to share with his late wife.

Upon entering you felt at ease. Everything about the place drew you in. And when you spotted him standing at the door frame your heart began to beat at an unbelievable pace and you felt and overwhelming amount of happiness. When his eyes stopped on you his mouth dropped open.

Everyone looked between the two of you.

"Sorry..." he spoke. "You just.. look an ungodly amount like my wife."

"I do?" You questioned.


"Maybe she's related to her. You did say she had muggle family and y/n here is muggle born." Harry said.

"I think that's it then. Why don't you all come in. Molly's made a wonderful dinner." He led everyone into the dining room but not once did he take his eyes off of you and you him.

Something about him made you want to hold him close and assure him that you were always going to be there.


Now when Sirius had died later on that same year, you were absolutely crushed. You were an uncontrollable sobbing mess. It felt as if a piece of you had been ripped out and stomped on. You wanted to stop and comfort Harry because it was his godfather after all and Sirius was nothing but an acquaintance to you but you couldn't. You locked yourself in the Weasley's bathroom for a few hours and cried harder than you ever had in this life.


It was April 17, 1988 and you had been on the run with Harry, Ron and Hermione since early August.

They were peacefully asleep as you seemed to be stuck in another nightmare that usually you couldn't remember but this one was clear as day and there's no doubt in your unconscious mind that you'd remember this when you woke up.

In this dream you were in a house you'd never seen before. An unfamiliar man and a woman were yelling at you. It was muffled but they were telling you not to go back and that he was bad for you. Without your permission your body and mouth began moving on their own. You yelled something then grabbed a coat. As you head somewhere you caught a quick glimpse at yourself in a mirror. It was your face but you had dark dark black hair in contrast to your normal chestnut brown hair. You stumbled a bit and were now in the Slytherin common room where you began to sob to someone. A light flashed and now you were standing in front of him, arms raised as he cast the killing curse at you.

You blinked and when you opened them you looked to see you were holding hands with a lovely looking ginger. At first you thought it was Ginny but a voice from behind told you otherwise.

"Lily! Y/n! Over here!" A boy you felt a powerful pull towards shouted while beckoning you over.

Who you now knew was Lily Potter, or Evans at this time, walked with you closer to the group of 4 boys.

The boy who called you over pulled you closer to him by your waist before kissing you. This time you were in control, or maybe just moving at the same time as whoever's body this belonged to, regardless you grabbed his face and kissed him deeply.

"Miss me?" He asked.

"Always, Sirius." The body you were in replied.

You stumbled back but you were no longer in his arms it was dark and now memories on top of memories were swirling your mind. It was switching quickly between your first life, your second and your current, giving you a massive headache. You woke up in cold sweats and gasping for air. Hermione sat up and rubbed your back as your struggled to catch your breath.

"It's me." You said

"What is, y/n?"

"I'm Sirius' wife."

"What?" Harry was now up too and putting his glasses on.

"I was first born in 1926. I dated Tom Riddle in my school years up until he killed me in our 7th year." Your vision began to blur with tears. "After that I was born again in 1960. My best friend was your mother Harry. I was Sirius' wife and your godmother." A few years rolled down your cheeks. "He- he killed me again the night before he killed your parents, Harry. I watched as Sirius found my body then I was born again a few hours later and now I'm here and last time he promised to kill me again and I- I-"

"Okay y/n calm down now. It was just a dream." Hermione soothed.

"No!" You stood up. "It wasn't, Mione. I swear it wasn't. It's all real. Harry I don't know how to prove it but- but Snape! He had a massive crush on your mum but he called her a mud blood so I stomped on his foot and we never spoke to him again. And now I know that's probably why he didn't like me very much. A- and Ron!"

"Yes?" A confused Ron asked.

"When I was 19 I met your father and a 7 year old Charlie. That's why when I met him he said there was something familiar about me."

"And so did Sirius." Harry added piecing it together.

"Yes! He said I looked like his wife because I am her! You get it now?"

"I do. I really do."

You laughed for just a second before your headache resurfaced.

The next day Harry asked you to tell him more about his mom and you gladly did so.

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