Chapter 5: Best Friends, No, Soulmates..

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7th of July 2013

Last night I recovered too many memories at once. I am surprised.. More like dumbfounded. But I am still curious about the moment back there. Ahh.. (takes deep breath) It feels good... Within a span of a minute in this world I have changed a lot.. I am coming near..near to my goal.. I won't be empty and weird anymore... I will be a human again.. I will be 'me' again.. Soon..

11pm.. I'm waiting with a cup of hot coffee to go to that world to find out more about my memories.. It's raining tonight.. Nights of July are cold anyways. Today's just comfier. Wrapped inside a blanket, staring at my laptop, I started binge reading my favorite manga again as I waited for the 'time' to go to the mystical world.. It feels like this scene has happened too many times before. The silencing sound of the heavy rain, the coolness of the air around me, and the warmth for the fur blanket I covered myself in, sitting on the bed, reading the manga that brings all the nostalgic feelings.. I'm really enjoying this moment..

11:59pm. I'm still wide awake due to the effect of the caffeine I just took. I completed reading my manga. Now, I'm dwelling in my deep inner thoughts. Thoughts of what I want to do, thoughts of what kind of person I might be, thoughts friend.. Suddenly, a ripped off paper floated down to my lap. It's not just any paper.. It's a golden one. Just like the one I got last time. Again, the handwriting on this paper belongs to me.. Though I can't remember when I wrote this.. Written in it were the words,

'In the place of my golden memories, at the zeroth hour, You are the only one standing there for me'..

"Zeroth hour..?"

Even though this is written by me, I don't understand the meaning of certain words.. But, one thing was certain, the person this is referring to is..her.. I didn't see the time run by. The deafening voice of the rain disappeared. It was getting warmer..It's time to explore the golden world... A shade of gold shooted across the sky, painting the surroundings as gold as it was. I sprinted out and rushed to find the place that I saw last night. To my surprise, as I left the walls of my house, I reached the venue.

Two girls coloured in gold, aged twelve, sitting on the bench with their faces filled with happy smiles, and the smell of freshly baked cake and whipped cream, under the autumn tree among such strong tranquil. There they were.. Little me and my special person. I was slowly remembering this scenario. It's our tiny picnic.. A picnic with just the both of us.. We had our usual chit-chats.. And.. this... this is the moment I was soo curious about. Time slowed down, the usual golden colour around me shined a bit too brightly. Surely, this is one special moment. Ah.. I remember...

The monochrome Hana's eyes glimmered with the reflection of the beautiful golden colours around her...

This was when both my thoughts and her words spoke the same thing. I was eating desserts with her and chatting about things that I don't remember anymore.. And then she said what was in my mind. It was as if she read it directly from my head..

The two golden figures were giggling to each other. One looked up at the tree, while the other stared her eyes. That's when she said with a gentle smile,

"These moments with you are so precious to me...",

exactly what I thought.... And certainly I did feel that it was a precious moment. I felt satisfied, overjoyed knowing that we both felt the same for each other.. The girl that sat near her (past self of hana) gave a very warm smile. Her eyes showed how happy she was. And then little Hana said,

"Me too!"

They gave each other a tight hug. A hug tight enough to make her feel...loved...

Yes... I can feel it... the happiness.. Her embrace.. Her warmth..

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