Chapter 11.

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20th January 2020 - the start of lockdowns and online schooling.

Namjoon's POV.

It was chaotic in the household... Saejin decided it was a fun to play hide and seek with Minjun, but has been half an hour and we still didn't find the two. "Hyung, did long have you two been here?" I look at the two kids in disbelieve, both of them started giggling as they ran out of the room. I looked at Yoongi with the 'really' face. "What? I'm just being a good father" he shrugged and got up. I rolled with my eyes and followed him out. "Daddy! Can I have a candy, please?". The girl hugged my leg, "Baby, we're almost having dinner". She pouts, sad. "But hey, what about ice cream after dinner? Would you and Minjun like that?" she nods furiously as I asked that. It made me chuckle.

As promised we went to get ice cream after dinner and also brought some for the other members. I was so happy to have this kid in our life now. She made it more exciting!

Hoseok's POV.

The night has fallen and I was on my way to my shared room when a sound came from Saejin's room. 'It is already around 11pm, what is she still doing up?' I peeked inside and found her with her back to the door watching something on her Ipad. "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" I softly asked, so I wouldn't wake Minjun. "O-Oh, I'm sorry papa...I lost track of time..." she honestly replied. "What were you watching?" she showed me the screen. "Interested in figure skating, huh?" she nods furiously. "Do you want to take some lessons to try?" her eyes sparkled. "I can try?!". I chuckled "of course! We try to give you as much freedom as we can, so...I'll talk about it with the others, alright? Now go to sleep, Minjun is already asleep, little panda" I took the device and place it on her nightstand before tucking her in. "Sleep tight, honey" I place a kiss on her forehead and left the room, softly closing the door.

Seokjin's POV.

It was once again one of our days off and I found Saejin in a full split, like out of nowhere. "Oh! Appa! Look! I teached myself how to do a split!" I chuckled while leaning in the door frame. My eyes fell on a poster on one of her walls. "Who's that sweetie?" her eyes lit up. "That's Kim Yuna! My idol!" I frown. "I thought I was your idol? You little traitor". She giggles, "when I grow up, I want to become as good as her! Papa told me I maybe could try out figure skating once he discussed it with all of you!" she stood up and hugged me.

The rest of the day I couldn't get rid of the smile that had formed itself on my lips. The idea of Saejin finally having a hobby to start and a goal to work to is making me happy. I should bring this up at dinner, I think there won't be a problem. I'll do some more research.

Saejin's POV.

"Dada?" he looked up from from his phone. "Its 4 pm...can I have a candy please?" a pout formed itself on my lips. He smiled "Of course little panda, lets go to the kitchen" he cooed. I skipped after him only to be caught by appa Taetae. He laughed and I giggled and squeeled as he carried me to the kitchen. "appaaaaa, you scared me" I pout and crossed my arms as he puts me on the counter. "Well, appa Taetae is sorry, as apologize you may cuddle with me tonight". "Deal!" I chirped. Dada handed me my favorite candy. "thank you dada!" I jump off the counter and skip over to papa's room.

He was laying on his bed reading a book. "Papa!" my sudden shout started him which caused him to drop his book. It made me giggle. "sorry papa,  I didn't mean to scare you". He smiled brightly and pulled me in a hug. "Its alright munchkin!" he hugged me tighlty. I squeel and hugged back. "I love you papa!" I told him. "I love you too sweetie".

Jimin's POV.

After I had tucked in Saejin she stopped me. "Appa?". "Yes??", "Can you sing for me, please?". I smiled, "of course angel" I stroke her hair as I started singing.

She yawns softly and snuggles deepers under the covers. "I love you, appa" she whispered before falling asleep. "I love you too, little one". I kissed her forehead and flicked off the light on her nightstand.

I turn around to see Jin-hyung leaning on the doorframe, I got startled by this. "Aish, hyung, really?". He chuckled, "I heard singing so I came to take a look" he told me. "Is she sleeping?". I nod smiling turninga round to look at her. "She's growing so fast" he stated. "she is, now lets talk about that figure skating she was talking about" the both of us returned to the living room.

No one's POV.

"Baby! come here for a second! We have a surprise for you!". The girl waddled into the livingroom, as she wasn't allowed to run inside, unless it was an emergency, like the kitchen was almost burning down, cause her daddy set a pan on fire. Anyway, back to the story! "Yes papa?" she asked as she got lifted into the male's lap "We have something for you". Hoseok handed her a fun coloured box. "'s not my birthday" she pouts. They laughed at her statement. "We know baby, just open it". yoongi held the box so it wouldn't slide of her own lap and Jungkook was filming her reaction. She squeeled seeing a pair of white figure skates inside. "Surprise honey!" she hugged her parents one by one. "Thank you appa's!" they cooed over her. "No problem honey, this saturday you will have your first lesson, how do like that?". "Really!! I'd love that!" she squeeled. "I'm going to tell MinJunnie!" she waddled over to her friends house knocking on the door. "hello sweetie! come in, Minjun is in his room" I bow thanking her and raced to his room. "Junnie!" he looked up from what he was doing. "Noona!". "guess what! I got figure skates from my appa's and I can follow some lessons! ". "Wowww! that's so cool!" he squeeked. "I'll be your nr. 1 fan! I promise!" the two of them hugged each other as his mother secretly took a picture. "That's definetly going to be something" she chuckled.

Here I am with a new chapter, luckily you didn't kill me, anyway, thank you for the 11,1 k btw!!!

1136 words~

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