IV. First Class & a Mutt

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(A/N: hi,, how are all of you doing? school been hard for me, and family stuff been going on, so i hope you're not too angry at me for taking a small break! these chapters also take a while to think of so I hope that's okay!! <3)
(A/N 2: lmfao no motivation sorry if this chapter is lazy,, who is this mutt do you think??)

Walking outside to where Hagrid's Hut used to be, (I heard he died a while ago, not sure how though.) the three of us trotted into the forest, our Monster Book of Monsters in hand.
"I hear the COMC teacher is insane," One student said, walking in front of us.
I huffed. "You think people would have a little decency these days, and yet here they are, blaming someone for something they can't control."
Tommy and Niki nodded, agreeing. Tommy then spoke, "Well don't get worked up about it so easily, i'm sure he or she is great..." He trailed off.
"Yeah, Rey. The teacher probably isn't crazy," Niki chorused, "Oooh!! I'm so excited. What do you think our first class will be about? Hippogriffs? Nifflers? Abraxans?" She exclaimed.
Me and Tommy let out a string of laughs, Niki joining soon after. "What? I'm serious!" Niki said in between giggles.
"We know." Tommy and I said in unison. We turned to each other... "AHAHAHAHA!" We broke into another laughing fit.
A few people looked at us, and then whispered to their friends, glancing between us three.
"Hey." Someone said from behind me, once I looked I realized who it was. " Tommy. Oh, and Rey, nice to see you."
"Techno!" I vocalized.
"Hello there! I'm Niki." She said, introducing herself.
"Bloody hell... Good morning I guess." Tommy uttered.
I nudged him with my arm and gave him a look, "So from my observations, I can assume you have this class first period too?" I asked Techno.
He nodded, and then said in his monotone voice, "Apparently we're talking Pygmy Puffs today. I think we also get to take care of one as well..." He whispered at the end.
Our trio let out a chorus of "Woah"s, and continued walking to the clearing in the forest with Techno short in tow.

════ ⋆ time ★ skip ⋆ ════

The end of class came as we picked up our pygmy puffs gently, and tucked them into their cages.
"That wasn't as fun as I expected, but they're really cute." I said, with a small smile on my face as I looked at my baby blue, miniature puffskein. "Can you believe these were bred by Fred and George Weasley? I admire them so much!" I gushed.
"Bloody hell, woman." Tommy said, the. whispered to Techno, "How can she get even more excited when she thinks of them?"
Techno shrugged.
I looked back at Tommy, "It's because they both are/were so amazing! They pulled awesome pranks while they went to school here, and they were quidditch players, and they were twins, and they..." I trailed off when I noticed the people around me staring, "Sorry..." I rubbed my neck, embarrassed.
Niki patted my back, "I'm sure they are all those things, Rey." She smiled.
I blushed and "awed." I let out a sniffle and stared at her with puppy dog eyes, "You're so nice!! How are you so nice?"
Niki giggled nervously, ringing her hands together.
Tommy laughed, and Techno chuckled.
"We'd have better get our move on, they next class is coming soon and we don't want to keep them from the, quote unquote, excitement." Techno spoke.
The three of us nodded, and we all started walking back to the castle. That was... Until I noticed something laying in the grass towards the whomping willow. I looked up at the huge tree as a bird got clomped in its branches, and gulped down a lump in my throat. The others hadn't noticed I wasn't next to them yet, so I bent down to reach for whatever was laying there. My eyes adjusted to the light, and what I saw was surprising. It was black and shaggy, and had mats all over it. With tics too, from being in the tall grass for so long, I asummed. It was...

A dog?

(706 words)

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