Episode 39 Team 7 vs Ku

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Y/N and his team were looking above them and they saw Ku with a heart.

"How'd you... get a heart?" Y/N asked angrily

"I feel power surging through my body. I never imagined a pulse would be this good." Ku said

"You're dangerous. We can't leave you unrestrained." Mitsuki said

"You really got me. To think you were hiding your true nature." Ku said

"There are many sides to a person!" Sarada said

"Yeah. That's what it means to be humans!" Boruto said

Ku grabs Mitsuku and flies above. He throws Mitsuki to a wall and the wall broke and Mitsuki landed on the floor.

"I will stop you this time!" Mitsuki said

"Are you going to tell me that's your will? Don't be so full of yourself!" Ku said

Ku raised his sword and threw it at Mitsuki. Mitsuki dodged the sword and Ku did handsigns.

"Earth Style: Stone Pillar Prison!" Ku said

4 pillars emerged from the ground and they trap Mitsuki.

"Mitsuki, why did you betray us? We're both man-made. We're supposed to see eye-to-eye " Ku asked

"Mitsuki isn't the same as you!" Y/N shouted landing behind Ku

Ku looked behind him and he saw Y/N with Sarada and Boruto.

"Mitsuki is a precious member of Team 7!" Y/N jumped towards Ku with his sword raised

Ku tried slashing Y/N with his sword and Y/N jumped away and threw kunai at Ku, but Ku blocked the kunai.

"Mitsuki's never wanted to join you guys from the very beginning." Y/N said

"I wonder about that." Ku said

"What are you saying?" Boruto asked

"Before she left the village, he had ample opportunity to ask others for help. But she didn't, and came on his own to meet us. She was happy to find others like himself. She couldn't ignore her curiosity for a chance to meet real comrades." Ku said

"Isn't that right?" Ku asked

"She isn't your comrade! She's ours! Mitsuki, tell him he's wrong!" Y/N said

Mitsuki just sighed and lowered her head.

"It seems you were also looking at a different side of her... You didn't even notice the change she was going through. You have no right to say you're her friend." Ku said

"Perhaps..." Y/N said sadly

"But I'm here to change for her!" Y/N said

Y/N ran towards Ku.

"Y/N!" Sarada called

"It's so easy to get you riled up!" Ku said creating a cube in the middle of his two hands.

Mitsuki saw Y/N and she used her Sage mode breaking the pillars. Mitsuki immediately extends her arms and tangled them on Ku. Mitsuki pushes Ku outside the building.

"Mitsuki." Y/N said

Suddenly, a debris was about to fall on Y/N, but Y/N barely dodged it. Another debris was about to fall on Y/N, but Boruto pushes him and they both land near Sarada.


Y/N was knocked unconscious after a rock fell on his head. Sarada was punching the rocks that blocked their way out.

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