The Wizard Games

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Philip's POV

We went into a cab because ya know, the girls wouldn't let go of us. "So, what actually did happen?"I ask.

"Well, we thought you were dead, but when you woke up, you were evil. You attacked me."she said. The cab pulled up to Emma's house and I ran inside.

"Andi, you have to stay away from me!"I yelled.

"Why?"she asked.

"I could've killed you!"I yell back. Emma and Jax enter the house.

"Emma I could've killed you!"Jax yelled.

"You guys were under a spell! We know you wouldn't have done that."Emma says.

"Guys! We love you!"Andi yelled. They stepped closer, but we were against the counter.

"Andi. What if that happens again? You could get really hurt!"I plead. She kisses me.

"But I won't."she smiles. I hug her and we sit on the couch. It looks like Emma and Jax are fixed too.

Emma's POV

Jax and I sat on the couch until we were transported to a weird forest. "Jax? Where are we?"I gasp.

"I have no idea."he says. We hear two screams that sound familiar.

"Andi! This way!"Philip yells. He takes her hand and we run. We see two wizard council members cornering people.

"This two men bring great fear. Make them both disappear!"I say. The two men disappear and we see a boy and a girl.

"Are you two ok?"Jax asks. We see Diego and Maddie there.

"Maddie?"I gasp.

"Diego?"Andi gasps. The two stands up and we see two more familiar faces.

"Well well well."the two say. Daniel and Mia.

"What do you want!"Jax psnaps. Philip and Jax are being very protective of us. It was cute.

Andi's POV

"We want to duel."Mia snapped back at Jax. She punched her fists together.

"Is that the only pose you do?"I asked sarcastically. Emma and the guys giggled. I felt something throw me back. I hit a tree and sat on the ground.

"Andi!"Philip yelled. He ran over to me. He so so cute. I couldn't see much but I could see enough. "Are you ok?"he asked.

"Philip, I'm fine."I moan. He hugs me and then I hear someone yell.

"Mia! She doesn't even have powers! Leave her out of this!"Emma yelled. That's my girl! Sticking up for me. My back still hurts.

"Rahhh!"Philip yells. Rah. Classic. He tackled Daniel and started beating the crap out him. Daniel threw Philip off him. Using powers!

"You gave him powers!"Emma yelled.

Jax's POV

"That's right. He is one with Kanay kind."she snaps. I use my powers to make Daniel feels extreme pain. He starts yelling in pain.

"Jax. You take Daniel. I got Mia."Emma says to me. I nod and throw Daniel back. He's a newbie.

"You're dead Novoa."Daniel snarls. "This boy who acts like a twit, take him out with just one hit!"I yell. I throw him down and he doesn't get back up.

"Yeah!"I cheer. I see Emma struggling with Mia. I throw Mia back and hold Emma's hand. We have to cast the mega spell.

"We are in love, with out a doubt. We won't cry, and we won't pout. For with this spell, there is no greater. With Novoa and Alonso, we are the savior. This girl has proven evil to us very well. Send Mia Black to the depths of hell!"we yell.

"Noooo!"Mia yells. She is sucked into the ground and the ground closes. We won! Then we remembered. Andi.

Hey what's up you guys! DetroitHollywood here! How did you like my new chapter? I thought is was awesome! If you have ideas for the next chapter, leave a comment! Make sure to favorite this and find out what happens to Andi next time! Im. DetroitHollywood, and cya next time! Goo bye!

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