Chapter 4

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[It's been a year, but I'm back.]

The light cleared, and Bonnie found herself in a... place. It wasn't quite a room, as it had no walls. It was just a white area that went on forever. There was a woman hunched in the corner. She seemed to be reading a grimoire, her back was facing Bonnie. The woman seemed familiar, she had toffee skin and curly brown hair.

"Grams!" Bonnie exclaimed in surprise when the woman turned around.

"Bonnie," Sheila Bennett stated.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? What is happening?" Bonnie asked.

"You'll figure it out," Grams said, "But you can't do it alone."

"Is that why you're here? To help me?" Bonnie asked her Grams.

"You'll figure it out," Grams repeated before she disappeared in a flash of light.

Suddenly everything went black.


"Toast, I can make toast," a familiar redhead said, opening the microwave.

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna," Elena reminded her while pouring her own cup.

Elena got a weird feeling. Like she'd been through this before.

"Is there coffee?" Jeremy asked, entering the kitchen.

Was that what people called deja vu?

"Your first day of school and I'm already unprepared," Jenna said anxiously, "Lunch money?"

"I'm good," Elena responded after handing her brother a cup of coffee.

Jeremy grabbed the lunch money in Jenna's outstretched hand.

"Anything else?" Jenna said, she needed to cover all her bases, "A number two pencil? What am I missing?"

"Don't you have a big presentation today?" Elena reminded her aunt.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at," Jenna checked her watch, "Now. Crap," Jenna said while undoing her bun.

"Then go," Elena said, "We'll be fine," she turned to her brother, "You okay?"

Jeremy sighed, "Don't start."


Caroline got ready and went downstairs for breakfast. Here mom was already at work, typical. What's the point of having a mom if she's never around? She groaned and made herself some toast. Then, she grabbed her car keys and hopped in the car to pick up Elena. Now, why did everything except picking Elena up seem familiar?


"Bonnie, you'll be late to school," a voice said, one that Bonnie hadn't heard in years. Well, she heard it a bit ago when she woke up in that white room.

"Grams?" Bonnie's eyes shot open, "What are you doing here?"

"I live here," joked Grams.

"B-but you're dead," said Bonnie, wonderstruck, "And what am I doing in my old house? I haven't lived here since senior year."

"Yes," said Grams, "You've drifted too far from your friends. So, I brought you all back here. And only you can figure out how to get yourself and your two best friends home. But the challenge? No one remembers you."

Bonnie nodded, taking in all this information, "So you're the only one who knows who I am?"

Grams nodded, "See? Now you're getting it."

Suddenly, Bonnie's eyes widened, "And Enzo's still alive in this timeline?"

"Yes, but that's not the point," Grams sighed, "The point is to get Elena and Caroline home. Enzo's alive, but still being held by the Augustine. Don't worry about Enzo. Magic isn't supposed to be used to bring people back to life. You got a lucky break with Jeremy, Damon, and yourself, but next time you won't be so lucky."

"But Grams, I lo-"

"I know you do, child," Grams interrupted, "But you CAN NOT bring him back to life. It'll all blow up in your face. This only happened because you tried to bring him back the first time."

"But Grams, if there's a chance, I have to try," Bonnie pleaded.

"No," Grams said sternly, "Plus, he won't even remember you."



"Enzo is-"



"No," Grams face softened, "He isn't meant to be alive. You need to accept it sooner or later."

"Alright," Bonnie lied, "I won't try to bring him back."

Bonnie needed him desperately, she will try if she can.

"Good," Grams smiled, "Now go to school, you'll get a tardy!"


Bonnie walked up to the school's entrance. She hadn't been here since she was eighteen, nine years ago. The familiarity of it all seemed comforting. She wracked her brain for the events that happened this day, and then remembered that today was the day Stefan would come to school. She suddenly felt herself wishing she went a year further, at least then she could try to get home without the worry of Stefan, Damon, Katherine, Klaus, and the rest of this vampire drama.

Bonnie turned around to see a 2006 Dodge Charger pull up, and Elena and Caroline came out of it.

This wasn't how Bonnie remembered, wasn't Bonnie the one who dropped Elena off? Then a pit settled in the girl's stomach after she recalled that no one would remember her. Well that certainly made her job harder. How would she get them to trust her?

She can't just go up to the two girls, that knew nothing about supernaturals in this timeline, and say, "Hey, I'm your best friend. You don't remember me but you need to trust me when I tell you that you got magically transported to the past after I tried to steal Caroline's daughters. I know that makes me sound super untrustworthy, but trust me."

Since the girls didn't know about supernaturals, maybe she could go to Stefan for help? The idea certainly seemed more appealing that going to the Damon from this timeline, who was still way too hung up on Katherine. She'd have to make sure not to reveal too much about the future, though. Shouldn't be too hard, right?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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