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Here you are again, at the airport on the way to the first stop on your tour schedule. The members had already left the plane and went to the vehicle that would bring you to the hotel. You wear a black mask, a light brown coat and a grey shirt with dark brown pants and black shoes. Taking your backpack you went outside after you made sure you didn't forgot anything in the plane.

"Songhyon over here!" when you were about to look in the direction someone else talks to you. "Please walk a little bit slower for a picture!" With a smile you do as you're asked. You slow down for a couple of steps but you have to get to the others or you're late again so you increase your pace again. You also don't want to risk them getting hurt or anything but today there was enough security to make sure nobody will be in danger or get hurt.

Going through a big door and the hall behind it, you finally reach the exit of the big building. The fife boys stood in front of the car and were obviously waiting for you. Unfortunately there was a step you didn't notice which causes you to stumble and nearly fall down. You don't know why but you were pretty clumsy lately. Before you could reach the car you notice someone in the back of the car but you can't make out who the person is. Maybe just Jihun or some new stuff.

"Can we go now?" Chunho whines bored like most of the time when he had to wait for someone. "Yes we can." Daniel smiles warmly at him. You got in the car and took your seats. The engine sprung on and the car starts moving.

After fourty minutes and many red traffic lights, the car finally stopped at the hotels parking lot. Taho thanked the driver and followed after you and the others. You got your key cards and went inside your rooms. You took a deep breath and started unpacking your suitcase. Maybe you could even rest a little longer than usually before the rehearsal in an hour. Every member got their own room this time and you weren't used to the silence so you decided to go over to Minsun after you finished with your clothes.

You walk over to Minsuns' room to spend some time with him like you thought about earlier. You had to practice your solo dance in twenty minutes so time was really rare. The younger male at the other hand had like an hour till he was the one to practice anything. Taho, Jae, Chunho and Daniel are already practicing so it was only you and Minsun at this floor. You knock on the door, once, twice - nothing, after a five minutes long wait you decide to go in.

The door wasn't locked so you didn't had to crack it open. Looking around one thing to notice is that he hasn't put his stuff into the shelfs yet. "Sun- shi?" -no answer. "Minsun?" again, there wasn't anything but silence. Normally Minsun was the first one who finished unpacking his things but this time he hadn't even touched his black suitcase with the colored sticker of cats, flowers and the group name on it. You had no doubt that he was getting rest after the long flight.

So you walked towards the bedroom. You reach the last part of the small hallway to the door which leads into the bedroom. You try to push it open but there must be something lying behind it.

Finally getting into the room you can't trust your eyes. Standing in shook for a few seconds or at least you think it was only a few seconds since it felt like hours, you shoot next to him. He was lying on the floor, eyes closed and not moving a bit.

"Minni!" You kneel next to him on the floor and put one of your hands on his shoulder. The other one is caressing his cheak. "Sun-shi!" you brought your second hand to his other shoulder and shake him - nothing. You start to panic and your vision becomes blurry. Tears start to form in your eyes and treat to escape. "Minsun, wake up." Your hands slide from his shoulders over his chest to his stomach where they rest for a few seconds. "Please." you whisper.

His breathing, it was flat and fitfully. What the hell happened? Your eyes scan the room but you can't spot anything that could have caused this. The tears in your eyes spill out and run down your cheeks to your chin where they drop down to the floor. You don't know what to do. The members were already at the dance studio to practice, your phone died in the car and Minsuns' phone broke a few days ago. Leaving him on the floor alone to go and searching for a staff member wasn't an option for you too. You're not letting him alone.

You never felt so helpless in your life before, it felt like a small kitten would that lost their mother in the city and can't find her anymore. You can't see a wound on him nor something that caused this all. "Don't you dare to leave me here alone." you choke out between sobs.

But a thing you didn't notice is the person in black behind you. They grab you by your shoulders and held you to the ground. You want to shake them off, to stand up, to free yourself and help Minsun but you can't move. It's like someone clued your body to the floor, even though in all those years when you got trained to be a personal guard, all this time, freeing yourself out of the grip of someone was the first thing you learned and trained the most but now you can't get your limbs to move.

You're scared, scared for a lifetime. The last thing you see before the once colorful world around you turns pitch black is the victorious smirk of the person above you.

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