*Chapter 5 * Saviour☆

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"Mr Carter , you requested to see me?" I said entering the office where Damon sat

"Yes Miss Johnson, I want you to help me design the next hotel if that goes right we will get a job in New York, to promote the company, this being your first official task i expect to see the progress during the week and I want to see your final designs by Friday and if you have any thing else to address speak up if not you may leave thank you" he said typing on his laptop

I swear this guy will drive me crazy to the point where I will kill someone, I have been working here for a week and this nigga only talks to me today I mean like WHAT THE HECK!!! So quick back story i got the job 3 days after that phone call and I've been working here for about a week or so.

"No sir I do not have any inquires but if i do i will notify you." I said and he nodded before dismissing me.

I stood up and reached out for the door look at him once more before walking out and slamming the door and shaking my head.

So far working here is a nightmare I've been setting dates with random girls for him and that really had me wondering whether or not should i tell him about the baby? especially that its his ?

I walk into my office, The office is sleek and modern, with glass walls and minimalist furniture. A large, ergonomic desk sat in the center, flanked by a pair of stylish chairs. The floor-to-ceiling windows offered a stunning view of the city skyline, flooding the room with natural light. A few tasteful pieces of abstract art added a touch of color to the otherwise monochromatic space.

 I grab my handbag and phone before leaving and closing the door on my way out.Once I was downstairs I tried to uber but my phone died so I decided why not walk beside it isn't that late.

I start my journey home humming but then I passed by a group of drunk old man who started Wolf whistling at me causing me to walk fast.

"Yo ma, come on let's talk" one of them shouted, I increased my pace looking behind me only to see two of them approaching this caused me to start running 

The sound of my footsteps echoes off the brick walls, mingling with the distant shouts of my pursuers. My heart pounds in my chest, a relentless drumbeat driving me forward.

I glance over my shoulder, catching a glimpse of the man closing in, their shadows stretching long and menacing under the flickering streetlights. Panic surges through my veins, but I force myself to focus. I can't afford to stumble, not now.

My legs burn with the effort, but I push on, weaving through the maze of backstreets. The city is a labyrinth, and I hope it will work to my advantage. I turn a corner sharply, nearly slipping on the wet pavement, and press myself against the cold, damp wall, trying to quiet my breathing.

For a moment, the world seems to hold its breath with me. I can hear the mans' voices, rough and angry,as they argue then silence i let out a breath of release only for a old hand to slam into my face i could taste the blood in my mouth from the pressure of that slap .

The guy turned me around and ripped my top off licking his lips and his hands roaming my chest but before he could go any further I slapped his hands off but he didn't like that cause he grabbed my neck and squeezed forcing me to kiss him. I could feel myself running out as i try to pry his hands off my neck but alias.

His friends laughed on the side and looked at me with evil swarming their eyes I started sobbing thinking bout the worst things that could happen, why did my phone have to die today, he started roaming my body as his man held my hands, his hand touched my stomach and he pinched it lightly and carried on with one hand the other loosening his pants

Just as he was about to pull his pants off it got shot, his dick part got shot, making me let out a horrifying scream and sobbing looking the other direction i could feel my legs giving up from all the running and also from immense fear.

"Now that's no way to treat a women now is it? " A very familiar voice spoke stepping in the light  i was relived to see him.

I look up and see Damon standing there with a gun in his hand, once the old man saw him they shuddered in fear a backed away

"Man I didn't know she was your girl I'm sorry I'll leave please don't kill me" one of the man said running out of the alley with his friends following even the one with the fuck hole even though he couldn't run properly

Damon walked over to me and his face a mix of relief and worry. Without a word, he scoops me up into his arms, holding me close as he navigates the dark streets back to his car. I can feel the tension in his muscles, the urgency in his steps.

Once we're safely inside the car, he drives with a focused intensity, his eyes flicking to the rearview mirror every few seconds. I lean back in the seat, my body trembling from the adrenaline and fear. He reaches over, his hand finding mine, squeezing it gently. "You're safe now," he murmurs, his voice a soothing balm to my frayed nerves.

At his apartment, he carries me inside, not letting go until we're through the door. He sets me down on the couch, his eyes scanning me for any injuries. "Are you hurt?" he asks, his voice thick with concern.

I shake my head, too exhausted to speak. He disappears into the kitchen and returns with a glass of water and a warm blanket. He wraps the blanket around me, tucking it in snugly before handing me the water. "Drink this," he says softly.

As I sip the water, he sits beside me, his arm around my shoulders, offering silent support. The warmth of the blanket and his presence begins to chase away the chill of the night. He doesn't press me to talk, just holds me close, his steady heartbeat a comforting rhythm against my side.

Eventually, he helps me to the bedroom, where he insists I take the bed while he takes the couch. I protest weakly, but he won't hear of it. "You need to rest," he says firmly, tucking me in with a tenderness that brings tears to my eyes.

As I drift off to sleep, I hear him moving around the apartment, checking the locks and making sure everything is secure. The last thing I feel before sleep claims me is his gentle kiss on my forehead and the whispered promise, "I'll always protect you."then I was out col.

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