*Chapter 21* Mafia business

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Hey it's your Author

I didn't want to waste time this book is cool and everything, please follow me people, some how that helps me write or encourages me to write more

I skip to 5 years, small details, Damon is looking for her she has a baby girl and a abusive boyfriend and she is like a zombie, she lost tons of weight

Okay bye I will explain the rest in the book

5 years later

"Naomi, BITCH get your ass down here, and make that pussy of a daughter to shut the hell up!" Tyreke shouted from downstairs

Tyreke is my boyfriend, we have been dating for 5 years, or at least I have been stuck, his an abusive fuck, and I tried getting him caught but he has some twisted friends everywhere, his in some gang

When we moved in here in Ohio he was always so nice to me so after about 6 dates we started dating first year went smooth at the end if the year I gave birth to a baby girl, named her Destiny because mine was shit so I wanted hers to be amazing

Destiny grew older and when she was 2 years old he started changing we were already staying together, he helped with the house paying rent, and bought food, I just gave him sex and worked by writing and publishing books I got paid every week

Well he became abusive, started beating me up returning with blood all over him I cleaned him and all that but the abuse carried on

I always hid Destiny, never has she seen what he does, she loved him but never once called him dada meanwhile she called me mama

"I'm coming babe!" He had this sick theory where I was to listen to him and only him and still be romantic, his gang friend come over at times but, never ever did they touch me or hurt me, it's as though they respected me

I put Destiny on the bed covering her with the sheet and going downstairs to where Tyreke waited not so patiently

Once my foot touched the floor he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me to him making sure I faced him

"What took you so long, get ready we going to a Mafia ball and bring the girl with, and you better behave!" He shouted his spit falling all over my face

He slapped me and punched my stomach before throwing me back to the feet of the stairs

Well that went well I stood up sulking a bit before walking back up to the room, I stripped same time and jumped in before washing up and getting ready once I was dressed I woke Destiny up who kept whining she reminded me so much of Damon, I wonder how is he

We both walked down ready and found Tyreke waiting there with a smile on his face I swear his bipolar, he wore a grey suit that hugged his muscles, so fine

"Hey babe let go, don't want to keep boss waiting now so we!" He said picking Destiny up who placed a kiss on his cheeks

I smiled at the mention of Aston Villa the Italian Mafia Lord, guy is always nice to me and I would swear he was a normal man, he likes me but respects that I have Tyreke who is to blind to notice, I like him too but Tyreke would kill me before I'm in his arms,

The picture on top is Tyreke

Her dress is an Black shoulders off with a slit from the thigh downwards

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