*Chapter 2*Lines☆

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Destiny POV

Groaning I tossed over to the side and hissed when the brightness and heat of the sun penetrated through the window.

Opening my eyes I slowly rubbed it and looked around the unfamiliar room, I was alone in the spotless room and last night's events were still fresh in my head.

Since the guy I was with last night already left the hotel then I will just freshen up before leaving I'm sure Nikki is wondering where I am.

I stood slowly the in between of my legs burning as I slowly tried to walk towards the bathroom, finally making it there I looked around for the sanitizer and sprayed some on the seat and wiped it with toilet paper, a lot of people use this toilet and I am that germ freak kind of person.

Sitting down I hiss as my kitten burn while I pee, I always imagined my first would be special but it turns out it would be a one night stand in a fancy hotel suite, not as expected.

Wiping myself I stood up and grabbed a towel from the ray wetting it and wiping the important parts of my body before I gurgled with some water since there was no toothpaste here.

Walking back to the room I threw on what I had yesterday before tidying up and leaving the room locking up and dropping the key off after hearing that he handled the bills.

Standing outside I pulled my phone put to check how far the ride was, at least it wasn't windy or cold today because I didn't have on very thick and warm clothes.

Finally a black car pulled up just as the notification alerted me that the driver arrived, making sure I have my wallet I approached the car and hopped inside greeting the driver and shutting the door.

The driver is a young man with tattoos and in the background a soft and smooth song played relaxing against the seat I closed my eyes with a soft sigh as I thought about yesterday.

It was not bad but I hated that it was with a complete stranger and I won't ever know who that person is, but what is done is done I just have to focus in my life again.

Finally we pulled up into the neighborhood and then outside the apartment, I pulled out my wallet taking out the money to pay before thanking him and leaving.

Walking towards the elevator I sigh and leaned against the wall, not long after that the elevator Bing sound through the empty hallway.

I walked inside and pressed number 4 which was the floor number I lived in, just as I 2as about to close and a man enter he looked around 25.

When I got to the apartment I sigh getting ready to hear a hand full of questions.


Groaning I jumped out of the bed room and sprinted to the bathroom spilling all the food I eat yesterday.

This wasn't  the first time I am vomiting in the morning and I am sure it's just food poisoning which means that I have to go through the food again.

Brushing my teeth and washing my face I smiled seeing Nikki at the entrance of the bathroom, she was leaning on the door frame.

"Morning." I said after rinsing my mouth, I looked towards her and she squinted her eyes. Oh I know that look it's the ' I know what you did' look.

"Morning, please hurry we need to talk." She said and then left the bathroom, strange.

Finally finishing my hygiene for the morning I tied my hair in a ponytail and then went to the kitchen.

As I thought she was in the kitchen cooking when I entered, but she still managed yo give me a look and decrease the heat of the stove.

"Dee, when last was your period" She asked her back facing towards me. Thinking I tried to remember the last time I had my period.

"I don't remember!" I exclaimed knowing where this was going, could it be that I'm pregnant I mean the morning sickness and now the period.

"You know what to do the money is in the counter take it and but about 5 tests." She said and I nodded running towards the room and changing my shoes into my bunny slippers since I am wearing a onesie.

Walking back into the house with the tests I went straight into the bathroom not wanting to waste time.

I followed the instruction in all five and then placed them in a line walking towards Nikki.

"What did they say"she asked grabbing me into a hug. We waited for the results and I finally had the courage to look.

It had 2 LINES...

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