C H A P T E R 2

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"I just- I feel so confused since I saw Anna this morning I can't stop thinking about her..do I have feelings for her " Fred though while laying on his bed.
While Fred was in his room laying on his bed thinking about Anna, Anna was going to the common room to meet Draco.

- after a while -

"Hey Draco" I said.
"So you came" Draco said while looking at me up and down.
"Yes I did, now why did you want to meet me?"I said confused.
"So I could do this.."
Before I could ask what or do anything Draco pulled me closer and kisses me passionately, I could feel the warmth coming from his body, I could smell his addicting perfume,I got lost in his kiss..but then..Fred came in, in his hand he was holding a big beautiful vase filled with pretty flowers, when he saw us kissing, when I looked at him in the eyes and he seemed lost..he suddenly dropped the vase and ran
"what's with him?!why did he run away?" Draco said confused.
But I didn't know either, I felt bad though...
"I don't know but Draco I really need to go.."
I said while smiling at him.
"Alright love, want me to walk you to your room?" He said while smirking.
"No that's alright. Bye Draco" I said while running to Fred's room. When I finally arrived I knocked on his door and waited for a reply.
"Fred! Can I come in?!" I asked while breathing heavily.
" No! I'm tired go away" Fred replied.
"Why did you run away! Why is it a problem that I kissed Draco?!" I asked confused.
After I asked that he came in the door opened it and looked me in the eyes..
" don't you get it!? ISNT it obvious enough?" He said with a cracked voice.
He seemed really sad..
"What is? Fred talk to me!" I replied.
he looked at me waiting for me to realize but I still couldn't understand after some seconds of silence he slammed the door on my face and he left me out there standing..I went back in my room took a shower and changed into a more comfortable outfit, I laid on my bed and kept thinking about everything that happened.
"Anna? Are you alright?" Hermione asked.
"No, not really..". I replied.
"What's wrong" she asked confused.
"It's Fred..Draco gave me a piece of paper saying that I should meet him in the common room after lunch, so I went and he kissed me! Then Fred came in, he saw us kissing and then he ran away" I explained.
" oh my god.. Draco kissed you? Wait, Fred saw you!? Anna that's not good!" Hermione said stressed.
"Why is that bad?!" I asked confused.
"Because Fred...well he likes you and I know you might not believe me but he always has!"
Hermione said.
"Well..that's not true! If he liked me he would tell me!" I replied.
"He was going to but he knew that you felt something for Draco so he didn't want to ruin it for you.." Hermione said.
"Oh my god..I-I had no idea.." I said.
"Yeah..you couldn't have,I didn't expect it either.." Hermione said.

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