Chapter 2

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When we arrive, Dollar is running towards us.

"Dollar!!" I scratch the dog's head.

"Dollar! Come here! Come here. What you doing? What's going on, huh? Where's mom and dad?" He says in a cute voice.

The dog start running so he follows Dollar.

"Dad!" Richie says, happily.

"Hey, slugger! Great to see you! How you doing, big fella?" Richard says.

"How was the ribbon cutting at United tool?" Regina asks.

"Great. And they gave you a gift, dad." Richie says.

"They did?" Richard asks.

"Socket wrenches, Sir." Cadbury says.

"Oh, socket wrenches, son. I love a good socket wrench!" Richard laugh a bit.

"Dad, while I was there, there were these kids, they were playing baseball!" Richie says, happily.

"Baseball, great!" Richard says with a big smile.

"Yeah! And so.." Richie started but get cut by Cadbury.

"Excuse me sir, it's a telephone call, the president." Cadbury says.

"What country?" He asks.

"This one, Sir." Cadbury says.

"Uh, probably needs another loan. This won't take long, son. I'll be right back." He says, taking the phone and walking away.

"So Richie, where's Skylar?" Regina asks, worried.

"She went to her room I think." He says, unsure.

"Oh, ok!" She says, smiling.

"Mom, I was wondering, if it's ok with you, can I invite some kids over?" He asks .

"Of course, dear! A dinner party!" She says, happily. "Just tell me who, and when and we'll send out the invitations."

"Not a party, mom. Just something.." she cuts him.

"Informal. Alright then, more like a buffet! We can use the oak room. I'm sure that room is large enough to accommodate your friends from school!" She says.

"My friends from school are always so busy. I don't want to bother them." He says.

"Excuse me, Master Richie, it's time for your Chemistry lesson with professor Keenbean." Cadbury says.

"Do I have to?" He says.

"A schedule is like a house of cards. Take one away, and they all come tumbling down." Cadbury says.

Richie looks over to his mom. "Mom..?"

"I'm afraid so, Richie." She says, smiling.
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I was already at our science class and I was talking to Professor Keenbean while another Professor was filming. Then I see Richie coming.

"Hey! Where were you?" I ask.

"Well, my dad is back so I went to see him" he says, looking at me.

"Dang! I totally forgot! I'm so sorry! Professor Keenbean, I have to go, may I be excused?" I ask, politely.

"Of course! You were with me so it's ok! See you later!" Professor Keenbean says.

"Oh thank you!! Bye guys!" I say, smiling. I kiss Richie's cheek and go to the balcony where Regina and Richard are. You overhear their conversation:

"Bad news, I'm afraid honey." Richard says.

"Oh, don't tell me you're flying out again." She says.

"Tonight, after dinner. I'm sorry." He says.

I decide to join the conversation.

"Already flying out?" I ask, with a smile. They both turn to me.

"Oh, hey Skylar!" Richard says. We hug each other. I turn around to see the "Mount Richmore" but I see my face in it.

"Wait, what is that?" I say, chuckling a bit.

"It's the Mount Richmore! It's a family portrait." He says, proudly.

"Wait, if it's a family portrait, why am I on it?" I ask, kinda surprised.

"Because you're apart of this family, darling!" Regina says.

I smile at this and tears role down my cheeks. They both hug me and I hug them. "Thank you, so so much! For everything! I know I say it a lot but I mean it! I love you both." I say, with a big smile. I walk away and I get change for tonight's dinner.
                              ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We all sit at the table, Richie and I on the extremity of the table while all the adults were sitting together.

"He is so weird" I say with a disgusted look.

"Yeah, I know right?" He says, smiling at me.

Then Regina calls him on the phone. (The table is very long so you are not able to talk to each other.)

"Hello?" He answers.

"Richie dear, are you sure you guys don't want to dine with us?" She asks on the phone.

"It's ok mom. We really don't like that guy." He says.

"That's all right dear. Neither do I." She says, glancing at Van Dough. "Uh, but foie de veau is very good for you. Liver is rich in protein."

"It's so tasty, too." He says, picking up a little bit with his fork. "Bye, mom" he hangs up, looks at his mom and gives Dollar his meat. I giggle a bit.

~Richie Rich~ (Macaulay Culkin x femaleOC)Where stories live. Discover now