Chapter 5

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When we arrived to school, a man opened the door for us. (Un)surprisingly, I'm the only one who says thank you. Richie and Cadbury are way ahead of me so I cannot actually hear there conversation, but Cadbury gives Rich his briefcase. Richie then turns to me and motions me to come so I take my *pink* briefcase from Cadbury and walk ahead with Rich.

"Have a nice day Cadbury, thank you!" I smile with all my teeth, showing that I'm actually grateful.

"It's my pleasure Miss. Enjoy your day!"


"Let's move on to case study number 12. Your company is in dire straits, sales are down 50% due to stiff price competition, dividendes are falling-"
To be honest I stopped listening to him after that, not that I didn't care, but I didn't. I can see Richie drawing but I can't see the actual drawing. Reynolds is reading is journal, Ellsworth is playing mini golf on his mini mat (he's not even good if you ask me), and well Reginald is getting his suit tailored in the middle of the class (but does it really surprise anybody?). He asks them all what they would do but I'm so strongly zoned out I can't even hear a thing they're saying until I hear Edgar laugh.

"Richard, are you and Edgar passing notes again?" Says Mr Stein, he does look disappointed but not surprised.

"Um, no Sir." Says Richie, hiding his smile.

"Edgar?" Mr. Stein turns to him and he's putting a drawing in his shredder. That was clearly Richie's drawing because it looks exactly like Reginald. The whole class starts to laugh, I personally just roll my eyes. Boys being boys, what can I say? Gina really wanted me to go to the same school as Richie but now I'm around boys 24/7, I would like some feminine company sometimes. Girls are not as immature as boys.


It's now sports class. Some are running on the treadmills, some on stationary bikes, and we are playing fencing. Richie, Reynolds and Ellsworth are walking ahead of me and I'm just following behind. I can hear them talking but I don't pay attention until I hear Richie say:
"I think all we ever talk about is money, we should be having fun."

"But money IS fun!" Says Ellsworth, shocked by Richie's statement.

"All I'm saying is, I'm wondering is you guys can come over this weekend to, you know, hang out."

"Hang out?" he always looks shocked which is kind of funny if you ask me, but it's Ellsworth, you get used to it.

"Yeah! Like normal kids." Says Richie, smiling at them.

I wanted to add something but before I could I heard Ellsworth yell. I turned to him and I saw Reginald walking behind him.

"Watch you rear, Ellsworth. First rule of defense!" He then walks to his assistant who got him a coffee and obviously he has to be mad:
"THIS is a cappuccino. I ASKED for a decaf cafe latte you incompetent imbecile! If you can't do the job-"

Then Richie decided to poke his butt which made him spill all the coffee on himself.

"First rule of defense, Reg: always watch your rear." Says Richie, proud of himself. It mad Reginald groan and he left. Everybody started laughing, to be honest, I did too; he deserved that.

I was glad the day was over, because I was actually exhausted. On the ride back, I laid my head on Richie's shoulder, not really caring about what him and Cadbury were discussing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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